night_tools wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:04 am
losthighway wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:52 pm
bishopdante wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:41 pm
Well... considering I've had this thing a few times... the asshole CEO turned up to the strike of a big show *with* it, as in sick as a dog, clinically infected... he'd caught it at the wrap party...
And I just got a sniffle the next day, and off it went. Compared to the first time I had the thing... it was as nothing.
So yea... I don't think that Pfizer gene therapy thing would do me much good. My immune system would very likely flip out on it.
We probably shouldn't be vaccinating people who've had it with an experimental gene therapy drug that modifies a person's cells to produce something the immune system will attack. Surely?
It's not gene therapy. The use of that term is almost a dead give away for someone who's been reading junk science or listening to too many people who read it heavily.
But yeah, you're probably pretty much immune.
FM bishopdante, I know from your previous posts how intelligent you are. You're totally wrong to describe this as gene therapy.
the vaccines are mRNA based, the m standing for messenger. The vaccine supplies information to the recipient's cells to allow them to create antibodies against COVID-19. This is similar, in theory, to traditional vaccines but using mRNA from the virus instead of a modified or inactivated pathogen. The recipient's cells aren't modified. It's not gene therapy.
I got double Pfizered early on because I've been exposed to COVID almost every day over the past 18 months at work. I've seen people die from it. I know people who've died from it.
Please get vaccinated. (everyone, not just FM bishopdante)
To clarify further: The part of the recipient's cells that uses the mRNA are the ribosomes. Ribosomes are the protein factories of a cell. Normally mRNA segments are produced by the transcription of DNA in your cell nucleus to produce mRNA that then travels outside the nucleus and gets captured by the ribosomes. The ribosomes contain huge enzymes that read the mRNA codon segments which encode the amino-acids that formulate a particular protein and act as little electro-chemical "machines" to assemble the amino acids floating in the cytoplasm to match the order of aminos coded in the strand of mRNA. That's how your body manufactures all the proteins and enzymes that are used to build muscle, digest food, break down other cellular material, etc...
In the case of the mRNA vaccine, the mRNA strand that is injected codes for the protein that forms the "spike" protein of the viron - which is the piece that allows the virus to infect our cells. The mRNA is encapsulated in a phospholipid "shell" so that it travels into our cells easily, where it is latched onto by a ribosome and starts manufacturing the "spike" protein which folds into the form of the spike and then travels around your body where your immune cells recognize the foreign protein and start to encode the appropriate antibody proteins that "plug into" to spike protein and thus disable its ability to enter and "infect" new cells.
The mRNA that encoded the spike protein eventually gets broken down by other enzymes an reused in the cytoplasm. The mRNA never crosses the nucleus membrane, nor enters or interacts in any way with your cellular DNA. The T-cells do encode or "memorize" the "shape" of the antibodies and "learns" to code that antibody as part of the cell's library of antibodies that it's programmed to code for.
A simple search ... e+proteins will demonstrate these concepts clearly, and are based on 100+ years of research into cellular biology, rather than some loudmouth dipshit in the mom's basement spewing paranoid idiocy for other idiots to swallow all over FB and Twitter.
mRNA is the future of many medical treatments, and has been intensely researched for the past 20+ years. This is nothing new, but it is an amazing, more accurate, more targeted breakthrough that has so many potential applications beyond vaccines. To not "trust" such a thing is the height of stubborn ignorance.
I'm not a biochemist, or cellular biologist or anything like that. What I do have is the basic foundation of science education in physics, chemistry and biology to grasp the concepts and mechanisms behind these things, and to be able to discern what is factual information from what is fantastical bullshit.
I do not think it at all unreasonable to expect my fellow citizens to be similarly educated, and be able to discern evidence based factual information from patent bullshit and scaremongering by scientifically illiterate blowhards and media manipulators.
One of the biggest issues in our current world is to allow and accept the level of scientific illiteracy that exists amongst the general population. It is fucking travesty and unforgivable that so many adults understand so little about the fundamentals of how our modern technologies and natural world operate.