Re: Airwindows plugins

cakes wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:12 pm
seby wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:41 am
cakes wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 10:32 am Just wanted to chime in: thanks to this thread, I started using airwindows on my Linux recording machine. It's become a necessary suite and there are some plugins that I just can't do without anymore.

The cheatsheet is really helpful. I wish the naming wasn't so esoteric, though I do find it charming. Next thing I want to learn is how to use the buss emulators.
Do you mean the summing systems like Console 7 etc., or standalone plugins like BusColors and Channel9?
Which ever ones do coloring. Probably the latter!
Put Coils2 at the start of every channel. Try tovinyl4 into Tube! into Tape on the 2buss : )

"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Airwindows plugins

seby wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:57 pm
cakes wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:12 pm
seby wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:41 am

Do you mean the summing systems like Console 7 etc., or standalone plugins like BusColors and Channel9?
Which ever ones do coloring. Probably the latter!
Put Coils2 at the start of every channel. Try tovinyl4 into Tube! into Tape on the 2buss : )

I'll give that try. Thanks!

Re: Airwindows plugins

cakes wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:00 am
seby wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 5:57 pm
cakes wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:12 pm

Which ever ones do coloring. Probably the latter!
Put Coils2 at the start of every channel. Try tovinyl4 into Tube! into Tape on the 2buss : )

I'll give that try. Thanks!
Once you find settings that you like, swap the order of Tube! and Tovinyl4
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Airwindows plugins

I'm trying my best to use Console8 but have run into some issues. Asked on forums, not much help so far but maybe you guys have ideas?

as posted here:
I'm still unsure about how Send FX are supposed to work (in Reaper).
We need unity gain between Channel Out and Sub In, yes? So, how do we, say, send less of a track to a reverb FX sub?

my signal chain is as follows:

Code: Select all

audio -> Channel In&Out -> *
* -> track Fader -> Sub In&Out              -> Fader -> Buss In&Out
* -> send Fader - > Sub In -> FX -> Sub Out -> Fader -> Buss In&Out
so all Faders mentioned must remain at unity gain, no?

there's a workaround where you have two tracks (or a track within a folder track), one for Channel In + FX + Fader/Sends, and one for Channel Out... this allows you to use the DAW faders normally. But doing it for each and every track in the project sounds like a nightmare.

another issue is to do with mapping my control surface to the internal Console faders. I posted about this on the Reaper forum if anyone's interested.

Re: Airwindows plugins

prowler wrote: Tue Jul 19, 2022 2:50 am I'm trying my best to use Console8 but have run into some issues. Asked on forums, not much help so far but maybe you guys have ideas?

as posted here:
I'm still unsure about how Send FX are supposed to work (in Reaper).
We need unity gain between Channel Out and Sub In, yes? So, how do we, say, send less of a track to a reverb FX sub?
Use any gain utility/plugin you like, just don't touch the DAW faders (leave them at unity gain) and you will be fine. "Unity Gain" means unity gain of your DAW's faders only, not gain in general.

Does this help????
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Airwindows plugins

not really, no. I understand that just the DAW faders need to stay untouched.

but if I want to sum several tracks into, say, an FX send track... see my signal chain above (it's for one audio source but you can imagine there being several) ... how can I attenuate them, separately from the main mix, going into that track? Where exactly would I insert the gain utility plugin?

Re: Airwindows plugins

prowler wrote: Tue Jul 19, 2022 3:07 am not really, no. I understand that just the DAW faders need to stay untouched.

but if I want to sum several tracks into, say, an FX send track... see my signal chain above (it's for one audio source but you can imagine there being several) ... how can I attenuate them, separately from the main mix, going into that track? Where exactly would I insert the gain utility plugin?
Oh sorry! I think (but you should check this with Chris on gearspace) that you _can_ adjust the send/return levels directly, because they are "outside" the C8 ecosystem. You treat them just as you would input and output controls on a piece of external hardware.

I never use effects sends so I tuned out when Chris was explaining this part.
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

Re: Airwindows plugins

OK, Chris replied on Gearspace
But if the main audio is operating as intended, you at least have that: it's not like the entire mix is running and not being 'decoded' properly, just some quiet reverb sends against the loud dry signal. If the dry signals aren't very loud then they're already not distorted as much, it's when the dry is really loud and the send is quiet that there's a discrepancy.
So basically it's a compromise that he's aware of.

I'm trying to work with many parallel sends tho, so I think I'm simply going to go with the doubling each track workaround: For each audio source, I create a new track that only contains the ChannelOut plugin. I route the audio from the initial track to the ChannelOut track. Then I can use the DAW fader as usual and have as many sends as I like without worrying too much.
I'm thinking, if I move all these ChannelOut tracks out of the way somewhere where I don't see them, after the initial setup I should be able to work normally.

Re: Airwindows plugins

prowler wrote: Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:46 am OK, Chris replied on Gearspace
But if the main audio is operating as intended, you at least have that: it's not like the entire mix is running and not being 'decoded' properly, just some quiet reverb sends against the loud dry signal. If the dry signals aren't very loud then they're already not distorted as much, it's when the dry is really loud and the send is quiet that there's a discrepancy.
So basically it's a compromise that he's aware of.

I'm trying to work with many parallel sends tho, so I think I'm simply going to go with the doubling each track workaround: For each audio source, I create a new track that only contains the ChannelOut plugin. I route the audio from the initial track to the ChannelOut track. Then I can use the DAW fader as usual and have as many sends as I like without worrying too much.
I'm thinking, if I move all these ChannelOut tracks out of the way somewhere where I don't see them, after the initial setup I should be able to work normally.
Hey good stuff! Heh - don't forget to save the template....
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....

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