I'm trying my best to use Console8 but have run into some issues. Asked on forums, not much help so far but maybe you guys have ideas?
posted here:
I'm still unsure about how Send FX are supposed to work (in Reaper).
We need unity gain between Channel Out and Sub In, yes? So, how do we, say, send less of a track to a reverb FX sub?
my signal chain is as follows:
Code: Select all
audio -> Channel In&Out -> *
* -> track Fader -> Sub In&Out -> Fader -> Buss In&Out
* -> send Fader - > Sub In -> FX -> Sub Out -> Fader -> Buss In&Out
so all Faders mentioned must remain at unity gain, no?
there's a workaround where you have two tracks (or a track within a folder track), one for Channel In + FX + Fader/Sends, and one for Channel Out... this allows you to use the DAW faders normally. But doing it for each and every track in the project sounds like a nightmare.
another issue is to do with mapping my control surface to the internal Console faders. I posted about this
on the Reaper forum if anyone's interested.