Feeb-Rock Thunderdome: Pavement vs Sebadoh

Total votes: 15 (50%)
Total votes: 15 (50%)
Total votes: 30

Re: Feeb-Rock Thunderdome: Pavement vs Sebadoh

OrthodoxEaster wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:26 pm Tough one. I don't really love what either of these bands became later on, after they sorta standardized their formulas into a more digestible, stoned indie-rock thing. Both lost something crucial when their resident eccentric quit and/or got fired. However, each one rocked my world until around 1994.

Very tough call between Eric Gaffney-era Sebadoh (including those murky duo albums) and Gary Young-era Pavement (including those murky semi-duo EPs). To be fair, I listen to Slanted and Enchanted way more often than I do Bubble and Scrape (probably the Sebadudes' finest hour). Plus early Pavement doesn't have anything quite as dreary as some of Barlow's lesser neurosis ballads. On the other hand, there's no way Malkmus could write anything as genuinely heartfelt but still powerful as "Two Years Two Days" or as completely psychotic as "As the World Dies, the Eyes of God Grow Bigger."

Both of these groups meant a ton to me during my late teens and to some extent, they still do.

Damnit. I'm leaning Pavement but also having second thoughts.

Can I vote for the first three Dinosaur albums instead? Although I guess they're a little earlier and there's nothing particularly "feeble" about them. Argh.
That first DJ album….
"lol, listen to op 'music' and you'll understand"....


Re: Feeb-Rock Thunderdome: Pavement vs Sebadoh

comparing Sebadoh to Pavement is like comparing Sonic Youth to Pearl Jam; same timeframe, often lumped into the rock/independent/ weirdo genre... when they're not really similar in the slightest.
I still dig Slanted n enchanted, to this day; but that's it. They did nothing of interest after that, not to me, anyway. Sebadoh were much better, although they released far too much average stuff. Bakesale and III are f**king great albums, and their cover of 'Crest' (stereolab) is outstanding, like play-it-at least once-a week outstanding.
Didn't Barlow rejoin Dinosaur Jr or have I got it wrong?

Re: Feeb-Rock Thunderdome: Pavement vs Sebadoh

Sebadoh for me by a pip. I really like Lou's voice, kind of reminds me of Bob Mould... Also, Sebadoh Vs Helmet is an hilarious title... especially since, according to Hamilton, him and Lou knew each other from his time in Band of Susans but Lou hadn't realised Helmet was Page's band...
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.

Re: Feeb-Rock Thunderdome: Pavement vs Sebadoh

jfv wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:19 pm Biggest crime with live Pavement is that SM's screams are WAY BETTER than Bobby N's screams. But at least post 1993, SM didn't do any screaming live.
Oh I disagree, for Unfair alone.

Pavement because Steve's guitar playing is excellent and you can always rely on that shambling pseudo-Manchester-by-way-of-Ringo whatever it is that West lays down. And maybe forty great songs. I get having a problem with ironic distance--which outside of Gimme Indie Rock Sebadoh never had--but that wall got broken kind of a lot both on record and very often live post-Gary (Stop Breathin', Home, Grounded just to pick a few).

I saw a couple of great original-lineup Sebadoh shows, probably fifteen great Pavement shows, so that probably has something to do with it for me as well.

Wowee is the best Pavement record, I think, fwiw. Crooked, Watery, Perfect Sound, then Slanted.

Re: Feeb-Rock Thunderdome: Pavement vs Sebadoh

Can't really pick one. Sebadoh has had 3 incredible songwriters. While Spiral wrote some of the best Pavement songs, it was mostly Steve. Live...Bob N often bummed me out, unfortunately. Seemed more like shitting all over the songs than contributing anything meaningful. Sebadoh connects more, lyrically. Seems more punk in a scrappy way. Pavement has better guitar playing and jams.
Two of the absolute best.
gonzochicago wrote: Doubling down on life, I guess you could say.

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