Calvin & Hobbes?

Total votes: 4 (6%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 66 (94%)
Total votes: 70

Comic strip: Calvin & Hobbes

I agree that this is garbage Americana bullshit.

I mean come on, a tiger that talks? THERE'S NO WAY THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT WOULD HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE. This is just one long arduous, white rural fantasy. Yeah, I said it, want to cry about it you little white rural suburban sissy bitches? Yeah, what are you going to do about it? I love how everything is so cookie cutter "OH HEY CALVIN IT'S OK MOMMY IS HERE TO HELP YOU" bullshit, I mean jeez he probably doesn't even know the street value of a gram of mid grade weed. OH BOO HOOO A STUPID BIRD DIED WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO CRY ABOUT IT? If you lived in the city you would have already known how to walk past a dying man without glancing. Grow up you, infantile man children, and stop reliving your OH-MAN-I'M-GOING-TO-GO-ON-A-HIKE-IN-THE-WOODS-AND-THROW-SNOWBALLS-AT-GIRLS
(fantasies, because no one ever lives like that. You think the woods exist? Pfft, yeah, the only woods I know about are the ones that my friend Mickey went into when he smoked mercury on a dare; something Calvin would know nothing about.

Maybe if Bill Watterson gets his act together and starts addressing real issues I could enjoy it, but come on, paper hats and tree forts? I. FUCKING. HATE. WHITE. PEOPLE.

(Not racist, BTW.)

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