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Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:24 pm
by nick92675_Archive
the trib wrote:UPDATE: The judge ruled Jeanette Sliwinski was guilty but mentally ill of three counts of reckless homicide. Details to come. ... eaking_500

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 5:56 pm
by Mr Chimp_Archive
nick92675 wrote:UPDATE: The judge ruled Jeanette Sliwinski was guilty but mentally ill of three counts of reckless homicide. Details to come.

Well, I guess that's all there is to say right now.

Perhaps there is some level of wrongness at work here, in this slice of the universe.

But I have nothing but profound respect for Judge Howard.

Defendant Sentencing:

November 26, 2007. Cook County Courthouse, Skokie IL Rm 206. 10 AM ish.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:17 pm
by Redline_Archive
So she probably get's to go to the mental hospital until she's "normal", then go home.


Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:15 pm
by scott_Archive
"In Illinois, a conviction of guilty but mentally ill means she will receive treatment while serving her sentence."

From what I could find, in Illinois, Reckless Homicide carries a sentence of 3 to 14 years. So I guess she'll get between 9 and 42, right? Some of that time she'll receive treatment. Maybe all of it, who knows.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:16 pm
by Mr Chimp_Archive
Redline wrote:So she probably get's to go to the mental hospital until she's "normal", then go home.


From what I understand, the verdict of "guilt by means of mental illness" means that the Defendant will serve time either in general population prison or a psychiatric prison hospital. But time will be served.

This is different than not guilty by reason of insanity, in which the Defendant could spend X amount of time under conditional in-patient care, and then be moved to out-patient care if deemed healthy enough.

So that's the difference.

scott wrote:"In Illinois, a conviction of guilty but mentally ill means she will receive treatment while serving her sentence."

From what I could find, in Illinois, Reckless Homicide carries a sentence of 3 to 14 years. So I guess she'll get between 9 and 42, right? Some of that time she'll receive treatment. Maybe all of it, who knows.

No. There aren't any sequential sentences here - due to one incident, and not three (I believe this was how it was explained. Or would be concurrent, I can't recall). My understanding is that the max is 10 years, minus time served, minus any applicable "good behavior."

Depending on current mental status, the Defendant could receive treatment as deemed necessary (see above response to Redline).

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:47 am
by matte_Archive
For two years, three months and twelve days I have told myself that no matter what happens to her my friends aren't coming back. So like I said the day I found out she killed them: fuck her.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:38 pm
by heather_Archive
I can not begin to tell you how grateful so many of us (most likely all of us) are for the prosecution team we ended up with. In many ways it is the luck of the draw who you end up with and we ended up with champions. These three individuals were honorable, honest and carried this horrible, intentional act in their hearts and sometimes on their sleeves for years. Throughout the trial they made many comments that were obviously meant to blanket our hearts during the most horrible of testimonies. These acts and comments were not evidence but a continuous recognition of our pain and shock. Our victims right advocate (Kim Clark) was also amazing, honest and protective of us at all times.

I do want to make it clear that I believe (at the very least) the fact that JS accelerated her speed by at least 17 mpr within two seconds as she saw Michael's car trapped at the red light is clear evidence that she intended to kill others- First Degree Murder. I don't believe she chose these guys. I believe, as a histrionic narcissist, she just didn't care.

The judge's ruling stated
"There may have been ample evidence for a first degree murder ruling, but I believe Sliwinski, in a warped state of mind, only intended to hurt herself."
I disagree.

That being said...
The judge behaved with honor and although I completely disagree with his decision to believe in only one self-serving statement-- that she was only trying to harm herself-- I hope you take comfort knowing that he never wavered with his respect for us throughout the last two and a half years and made otherwise reasonable decisions.

We tried to express our gratitude to the prosecutors who appeared crushed as if they had let us down. We also tried to explain how many people are genuinely effected by men they knew and in some cases did not know except through their music and character. I don't know that they can possibly understand as they are not part of our community.

If you would like to write a very simple thank-you note to ASA Michelle Gempski, ASA Jim McCullough & ASA Vicky Klegman I am certain they would be grateful and overwhelmed by your thanks. I do believe that the shear amount of kind notes will not only give them a wider view of our community but have a greater since of the honor that Michael, Doug & John carried by extension of how grateful their friends and community are for their valiant attempt at seeking a truthful resolution all the while conducting themselves with the same sense of integrity that these three friends did.

If you would like to send a short note please feel free to send it to me and I will bring them to the State's Attorneys Office the week before sentencing.
Electrical Audio
Heather Whinna
2621 W Belmont Ave
chicago, IL 60618

Jim was a great conductor of this team and decimated the defense team's "psychiatrist." Vicky literally started to cry during closing statements as she she said our friends names and stood firm as the defense tried to make all of the the firefighters, emergency technicians and police officers out to be liars. And Michelle... where do I begin? I can tell you that she turned Defense witnesses into Prosecution witnesses in minutes. You could tell (from behind!) that she would become enraged when a witness would try to lie without regard for how that would dismiss the lives of our friends. She could verbally tear a liar to shreds in that courtroom.

All I know right now is that I will be telling a lot of people I love them today. I figure you can't regret that.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:43 am
by hellyes!!_Archive
heather wrote:We also tried to explain how many people are genuinely effected by men they knew and in some cases did not know except through their music and character. I don't know that they can possibly understand as they are not part of our community.

Well-stated, Heather. And, if there's anything good that can come of all this, I think it's the deep understanding of just how fortunate we all are to be part of such a wonderfully supportive community. There's no doubt that the love and support that has been demonstrated as a result of this terrible loss is testament to the fact that what we share is a very special and unique thing and it's through that spirit in our community that John, Doug and Michael will forever be with us.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:49 pm
by heather_Archive
letter bump

i am hoping these letters will encourage the prosecution during sentencing to push for the maximum penalty.

thanks and positive comments about our friends represent the truth and i believe will be helpful.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:44 am
by heather_Archive
letter bump

any notes, letters you would like to send would be greatly appreciated. the sentencing range is enormous- including time served.


i am hoping these letters will encourage the prosecution during sentencing to push for the maximum penalty.

thanks and positive comments about our friends represent the truth and i believe will be helpful.