son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:30 am
Mr. Chimp wrote:For me would you please pass Kenny:
Experiencing a soul-crushing sense of bladder pressure in the early 90's, as you wait in the lobby of a health-service facility to take a piss test, because you have consumed a gallon of water treated with piss-cleanser due to the fact that you just had to pull gravity bongs prior to attending that incredible TAR show the previous weekend.
I'll bite, I hain't kennied in a bit.
JB: Knowing that you have a drug test in an "on office site" clinic for your brand new cube job, yet still smoking a whole bunch of pot with an old friend the night before. The supervisor tells you to go take your drug test after you fill out the proper forms and instead of going to piss, you walk to your desk and NEVER GO. No one catches on and you spend four months gleefully smoking pot all the fucking time, yet incurring no wrath. When you quit the job, you leave a bottle of wine in your desk for the cleaning crew.
JW: The seal breaks while you're waiting and you just piss yourself like a fucking retard in the lobby. A whole fucking gallon. Plus, you cry like an ugly woman about it when the doctor comes in.
BTW: Bradley's list reminded me of Crystal Chandler, Nancy Fancy and Sundance Remington. Fucking weirdos. It has inspired a kenny based on my roommate:
The Notorious K.E.N.:
Your roommate's last name is Butt. It has probably caused him to be as neurotic as he is. Really stand-up guy, though. He gets a postcard from Jiffy Lube that is designed to look like a vanity license plate that has a stars and stripe border and a peppy "United We Stand" message at the bottom. However, the plate itself reads: BUTT. Upon closer inspection of the reverse side of the card, instead of "First Name" Butt, it is addressed to "Butt Butt" and is obviously the work of a very stoned Jiffy Lube employee.