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made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:17 pm
by covert_Archive
Angus Jung wrote:
covert wrote:Squib
Ductile/Brittle Transition

"Can't" is a really good band name.

It's a really good band name that someone else already thought of.

You may be eliminated from the game for this, but I will let Bradley R. Weissenberger decide.


Damn it. Out-obscured. In that light, may I submit "Unwitting Plagiarist" as a replacement name?

made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:48 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
covert wrote:Damn it. Out-obscured. In that light, may I submit "Unwitting Plagiarist" as a replacement name?

Plagiarism requires scienter. These dualing "Can't"s are mere coincidence.

covert! Please remain! And do join us for a spot of something-or-other!

By the way, this "Can't" artist (i.e., Jessica Rylan) puts on a pretty cool performance in this video. The cross-legged crowd (especially the hirsute man in the Birkenstocks) bugs me, but I guess that's par for the course at a place like Bard (where this video was filmed) or Oberlin.

Okay! Enough of the talky talk! Let's get to today's winners!

1. The Exorcyst
2. Dedd Foxx
3. Miscarriage of Justin

No executions today, but we'll do some scrubbing later this week.

made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:52 pm
by timmx_Archive
I have been welcomed back from my exile to the consolation thread!

Here are (hopefully) some first-tier quality names I'd been saving:

1. Hot Dipped

2. dickin' 'round

3. Glove Removal Machine

made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:32 pm
by Curtis_Archive
A goofy presidential angle:

1. James K. Polk and the Manifest Destiny
2. Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears

and one that friend of mine (and poster on this board) briefly considered for his band name

3. War at Sea

an incredibly mediocre first post!

made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:57 pm
by mrdfnle_Archive
Newbie attack

Godloving Atheists

Good Row

made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:02 pm
by Germ War_Archive
God Loves a Hesher
17 Furlongs
Botanical Bulls

made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:09 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
Germ War wrote:Botanical Bulls

Germ War, stop and smell the roses as you move along to tomorrow's round.

Botanical Bulls.


made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:26 pm
by IPL_Archive
Crass Crown

Warm Felt

Kitten Sweater

made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:37 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
IPL wrote:Crass Crown

Holy smokes. You guys are on fire.

India Pale Lale, move along to tomorrow!

made-up band names vs. Bradley R. Weissenberger

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:42 pm
by tmidgett_Archive

Parlianyrd Skunkadelinyrd

The Waterborne Diseases