The Comedy of Craigslist


Dead Moose

Date: 2008-05-08, 10:33AM AKDT

I have a dead moose free for the taking.

It died yesterday, apparently of natural causes. I called Fish & Game to come and get it. Apparently, moose are a natural resource and belong to everybody, until they die, then they belong to whoevers property they die on. So, according to Fish & Game, the moose now belongs to me. Sweet!!

So, if you want a free moose, please come and get it before the bears do.

You could use it for dog food, or stuff it and put it your front yard, bear bait, whatever. If you live in the lower 48, this might be your best opportunity to get a free Alaska moose. I dont really care, I just want it out of my yard.

Please reply via email, I dont need all the animal rights folks calling me, its dead, and according to Fish & Game, its got no more rights...
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

The Comedy of Craigslist

Marsupialized wrote:1300 bucks for a guitar CASE.
No guitar in it, just the case.
1300 bucks.
One THOUSAND three hundred dollars. For a guitar case.
A box to put your guitar in.

But! Dude! It's, like, old and stuff! It has vibe...a-and maybe even mojo.

Nah, I can't keep up the charade. For that kind of money, one could buy a hell of a nice guitar...and it'd probably come with its own box. |

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