The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:56 pm
swemeastymn wrote:sexy east sussex council
swemeastymn wrote:sexy east sussex council
Rick Reuben wrote:I've seen the lamp posts. Show me the evidence that a plane caused the damage. You can tell me that people saw a plane, but there are people who see UFO's, too. People see all kinds of things.Dr. Geek wrote:But lamp posts were damaged by the plane. Hell, one fell atop a taxi cab.
Rick Reuben wrote:So the 90+ cameras that should have seen a plane approaching the Pentagon all missed it. Gotcha.
Rick Reuben wrote:What are you talking about? We know exactly where the cameras from the VA DOT and from the hotel were pointed: the alleged flight path. So we do know what should be on those tapes.Dr. Geek wrote:We don't know what is on those tapes, though.
State your opinion about why these tapes have not been released.
Rick Reuben wrote:What?? Who are you to decide which witnesses are credible and which aren't?Dr. Geek wrote: You discredit their accounts as akin to those that see UFOs.
Rick Reuben wrote:You have no clue what you are talking about. There were cameras distributed all over the nearby highway and on rooftops in the vicinity. We are not talking about the kinds of cameras that take your picture at an ATM or when you buy a Slurpee. A camera that took 30 frames a second would capture a plane swooping in from a quarter mile away. Many cameras had sufficent distance from a speeding object ( plane ) that they would have filmed the speeding object's approach to the Pentagon just like the many cameras that filmed the plane striking the South Tower.jpardey wrote:OK, at most a security camera would take 30 frames a second. Planes are very fast. The cameras are probably digital and old, which would mean the exposure would likely be a full frame..
If this video does not exist, then why did the FBI confiscate it?
I can't believe that in 2008 pople are still making the argument that the goddamn Pentagon might not have had full surveillance on all five sides.
WTF does 'The cameras are probably digital and old' even mean? Like what? 1969-era digital cameras?? WTF?