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Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:25 pm
by the Classical_Archive
Hey Tim-

On this upcoming B.Pit tour will you guys have hardcopy vers of the new ep?

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:18 pm
by tallchris_Archive
Braden wrote:
I ain't a Tim either, but I once spent a couple days in the Lincoln City. Wonderful place, beaches, kite flying, decent food... If I were you, I'd spend a day in a few cities in OR. Maybe Lincoln City, Eugene, or whatever else you can map out. Seems like such a great state to just spend the entire time in one place...

Oh, and congrats on the engagement!

itchy mcgoo wrote:Hey, I am not Tim but I am an Oregon coast-loving mofo.

Thank you both!

The wife-to-be and I were planning on picking up some kites for the trip.

She grew up in New Mexico, and the only time she has seen the ocean was briefly while in the San Francisco area. We are both very stoked, for the wedding and the trip!

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:45 pm
by gcbv_Archive
steve wrote:Fuck you you child. Who told you you could work with men?

true story:

My brother got married two weeks ago. I flew down to Texas for this.

We're walking around, doing the rehearsal dinner and walkthrough. We are surrounded by dozens of very serious family and friends and coordinators. The tone is SERIOUS.

After hundreds of instructions about where to go, what to do, how to turn, what to think, the head coordinator talks about refreshments after the ceremony.

She says: "Here will be sodas, and bottled water. Beer and wine here and here. Over in the corner will be the coffee."

My brother, without missing a beat: "Coffee's for CLOSERS ONLY."

Not one person, besides myself, knew what the fuck he was talking about.

And this is why I love my brother.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:07 pm
by tmidgett_Archive
the Classical wrote:Hey Tim-

On this upcoming B.Pit tour will you guys have hardcopy vers of the new ep?

I hope so. If RTI meets their date and the shipping doesn't take overlong.

Actually, MPLS, we shd have for sure.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:58 pm
by Mandroid20_Archive
tallchris wrote:
Braden wrote:I ain't a Tim either, but I once spent a couple days in the Lincoln City. Wonderful place, beaches, kite flying, decent food... If I were you, I'd spend a day in a few cities in OR. Maybe Lincoln City, Eugene, or whatever else you can map out. Seems like such a great state to just spend the entire time in one place...

Oh, and congrats on the engagement!

itchy mcgoo wrote:Hey, I am not Tim but I am an Oregon coast-loving mofo.

Thank you both!

The wife-to-be and I were planning on picking up some kites for the trip.

She grew up in New Mexico, and the only time she has seen the ocean was briefly while in the San Francisco area. We are both very stoked, for the wedding and the trip!

I found this website while trying to remember the name of the fancy seafood restaurant that my ex-husband, best man and I went to when we temporarily ditched the band we were traveling with after Portland and took Hwy 101 down to San Francisco.

It's a bit of an eye sore of a website what with the google ads and the non-obvious hyperlinks to the next page located at the bottom of the page blending into all of the other blue hyperlinks, but it seems fairly informative.

I'm pretty certain that one can't go wrong with the Oregon Coast, no matter where you stay or what you do. It's astonishingly beautiful and relaxing. Drink lots of local wine, copious amounts of local seafood and cheese (mmm...Oregonzola, the most delicious pun ever), and enjoy yourselves. If I were you, I'd definitely rent a car such that you can amply explore the coast as thoroughly as possible.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:56 pm
by tmidgett_Archive
ERawk wrote:While we are on the touristy type of subjects, Tim, what do you think of the campaign in Chicago by the Montana Chamber of Commerce to draw tourists there? Anything off the beaten path worth seeing that might not get played up by the CoC?

Today, I rode one of those el trains with the huge "Montana" decals.

Pretty much anything off the beaten path is worth seeing.

Even eastern MT, which can be a bit stultifying on the freeway, is pretty great driving on two-lanes.

I am a driver, and much of my relationship to MT is defined by driving. Never been as much into hiking and skiing and so forth. Most of the tourism efforts center around outdoor recreation, which is top-notch, mind.

I grew up making the run from Missoula to Flathead Lake. I love that whole area--up through Ravalli and the Mission Mountains, past the Bison Range and on through the Indian towns of Arlee and Ronan. Flathead is great. The Seeley-Swan valley is great. You go up past the lake to Glacier Nat'l Park--great.

One of my favorite drives in the world is bearing left at the Y in the road, just after Ravalli, instead of bearing right to go up Flathead. You bear left onto Hwy 200, and take that thru Thompson Falls and so forth to Lake Pend Oreille. Totally beautiful.

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:07 pm
by boxer_Archive
hi tim,

what are the lyrics to 'int'l harbor of grace'?

i can understand if you don't feel like typing them out. can you at least tell me what you say that sounds to me like:

--germany absorbency when you walk--


Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:29 am
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Hey Tim, the Orioles?
Why aren't they the worst team in baseball, yet?

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:43 am
by elmofreech_Archive
I really like "Grrl Harbrr." Any chance the early cassettes will get a Comedy Minus One digital makeover or something?

Hey Tmidgett

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:18 pm
by tmidgett_Archive
what are the lyrics to 'int'l harbor of grace'?

i can understand if you don't feel like typing them out. can you at least tell me what you say that sounds to me like:

--germany absorbency when you walk--

Ha ha!

That's what I am saying. Or rather would say were I to ever sing that song again.

I don't remember them well...but:

You can have that piece of Indiana lakeshore
Put entire families in hock
Take the real estate on the top floor
At the marina you can have the whole dock
Slip into
Slip into

It's probably from that part.

Hey Tim, the Orioles?
Why aren't they the worst team in baseball, yet?

Dunno. There's still time, but I doubt they'll catch Seattle.

I really like "Grrl Harbrr." Any chance the early cassettes will get a Comedy Minus One digital makeover or something?

I really, really doubt it. It'd be like publishing our yearbook photos.

I haven't listened to it in ages. I remember thinking it was OK when I last heard it, in the mid-90s.