Little details from your day

The new owners of my building, themselves a long story, installed gutters along the roofline and a drainpipe to carry runoff to the drain in the first-floor parking area. In my years of living here I always wondered why the previous owners didn't have a drainpipe and just let the runoff plunge out of a hole to fall three stories and make an unholy racket when it hit the concrete.

Now I know why: at the first significant snowfall/melt/refreeze cycle the gutters and drainpipe freeze solid, sending the overflow every which way down the back fire escape and coating every vertical or horizontal surface of our emergency lifeline in six inches or so of solid ice. Delphine the downstairs neighbour is complaining to me about this and so I humoured her by spending an hour or so this afternoon crouched with a hammer and whaling away at the accumulated ice. The adorable Hasidic children on the first floor watched me through their playroom window, gigging and jumping around as chunks and wicked spears of ice rained down on their patio.

I think I'm staying here this Christmas and roasting a duck.

Little details from your day

DNA Concept wrote:Now I know why: at the first significant snowfall/melt/refreeze cycle the gutters and drainpipe freeze solid, sending the overflow every which way down the back fire escape and coating every vertical or horizontal surface of our emergency lifeline in six inches or so of solid ice.

Fuck that. Smash the drainpipe in such a way that it appears the ice has burst or collapsed it.

dontfeartheringo wrote:"Your drone is more somnolescent and boring than mine!"

"Yeah, so what's it to you?"


HWA hwa hwa

that damned fly wrote:if you were steve then how come your timezone was way ahead of mine, "steve?"

[wastinytext]does this sound insane? or just lame?[/wastinytext]

Not as lame as making me copy and paste your tiny text.

I chatted with an anonymous someone on Gabbly recently, whose time zone was (supposedly) 5 hours ahead, thus being in (probably) Inglind.

Today I am covered in rope splinters. Old freight elevator, you know. I am anticipating tomorrow night's jam sess with glee. I know "jam sess" is frowned upon at EA but y'all don't pay my bills.

Little details from your day

dontfeartheringo wrote:
Mandroid2.0 wrote:
dontfeartheringo wrote:
Rachi wrote:Handed in my resignation today

Kick ass!

Now, release a live possum at work. The fun never ends.

Locusts work well, actually.


Even better.

Sometimes there's nothing like the good old fashioned Biblical plagues for extracting vengeance.

Back when I when I was married, I was this close to salting the front lawn of the neighbour lady. I was going to shoot for either a pentagram or else Hello Kitty's face.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

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