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Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:49 am
by Rotten Tanx_Archive
Happy birthday Mr Isfunny.
I don't know if I ever mentioned this but I know a girl here in Brum, completely unrelated to this forum, who is totally giddy for your posters. Her friends too.
Despite never having had a proper conversation with you I'm like "Yeah, I know him, he's a cool guy." Makes me seem like I know a celebrity.
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:54 am
by honeyisfunny_Archive
Thank you very much MrTanx!
Posters eh? I remember when we advertised gigs by homing pigeon. Etc.
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:06 am
by fantasmatical thorr_Archive
Yeah Happy Birthday Chris!! I was lying in bed unable to sleep at 1am this morning and thinking of sending you a text but figured you'd either be drunk somewhere loud or having loud drunk sex.
If you could fill me in on any of the weekend I'd be grateful.
I just finished an essay!! One more to finish before Xmas then I can relax on my hollyday. Whoop!
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:21 am
by honeyisfunny_Archive
I have to add my birthday was yesterday but I spent it in something of a chili-induced haze so am really letting the age thing sink in today.
Lisa - I saw you once at the weekend and that was about it, I had my business head on though and was being a strict professional, I went to bed early on Saturday and was manning the stall on Sunday by 11 o clock. THAT is commitment.
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:32 am
by sparky_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:Today is my first day as a 30-something.
Young people: fuck you.
Your membership is in the post.
Happy Birthday! I'm a year ahead of you and can confirm that - objectively speaking - being in your thirties rocks.
I have only just got out of bed after staying in my local chatting to the bar staff until 6.30, when they closed it up. Back home, I entered the flat just as Y was coming down for her morning blast of coffee. We had a good long conversation, marked by her becoming visibly more awake and shining, and me slowly slipping into incoherence. I'm leaving this city tomorrow until the spring and I am really going to miss it a lot.
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:46 am
by burun_Archive
Are you going back to London, Sparky?
I am wearing a pair of new contact lenses, to determine if they are better than my usual brand.
So far they seem pretty good.
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:55 am
by sparky_Archive
burun wrote:Are you going back to London, Sparky?
Yes. My summer spree of burning £20 notes has had the unforeseeable effect of making me a little short; so I will become a suit again in January to get some cash. However, I have a wedding in Delhi to go to in February, and I have been promised my room here for a Spring return, so I should be thankful.
Packing... yuck.
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:14 am
by night_tools_Archive
sparky wrote:Yes. My summer spree of burning £20 notes has had the unforeseeable effect of making me a little short; so I will become a suit again in January to get some cash.
sparky, my tired and over-literal brain combined these two sentences so that I briefly imagined you wearing a suit with little shorts.
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:18 am
by sparky_Archive
night_tools wrote:sparky wrote:Yes. My summer spree of burning £20 notes has had the unforeseeable effect of making me a little short; so I will become a suit again in January to get some cash.
sparky, my tired and over-literal brain combined these two sentences so that I briefly imagined you wearing a suit with little shorts.
I only do that in the summertime.
Little details from your day
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:40 pm
by Ty Webb_Archive
For the second time in about 4 months, a young woman passed out on the train practically right on top of me. The train was absolutely packed and she passed out just as she stepped aboard along with a big pack of about 12 other people.
I helped get her to the train floor without cracking her head open and straighten out her legs, which were bent under her at unnerving angles. Some bitch behind her was trying to convince people to carry her off the train. I had to look her in the eye and give her the alpha dog treatment to get her to shut up. "This train's not moving until she's conscious and we know she's okay. You don't move an unconscious person." I know she was saying it only so the doors would close and the train would get moving again. Cunt.
The girl came to quicker than the last one that passed out on me and was able to get off the train and to a seat on the platform mostly on her own. I bet dollars to doughnuts that just like the last one, she passed out because she hadn't eaten in a long time.
I'm sexy but I'm not Elvis. Why can't these women stay conscious around me? At least they don't throw panties on the way down.