Eating Noddemix wrote:Earlier this week, I finished Paul Auster's Oracle Night. Not bad.
If pressed to rank the books of his that I've read, my list would go something like this:
City of Glass
The Locked Room
Oracle Night
Travels in the Scriptorium (didn't really care for this one)
Any suggestions on where to go next?
My Auster list is similar to yours - except I liked Leviathan a lot more than Oracle Night and I haven't read ..Scriptorium.
The Book of Illusions is my favorite of his recent stuff, and
The Invention of Solitude, early memoir/essay, is excellent and a good key to the rest of his books.
I'm about halfway through Denis Johnson's
Tree of Smoke - one of the few new books I'm excited enough to buy in hardback - and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Not as full blown nuts as his last big book,
Already Dead, but more ambitious in scope, the Vietnam War, than anything he's written. In places it reminds me of his travel and war reporting as much as his earlier work. Fans of his first book,
Angels, will enjoy the pre-history of the Houston brothers, the central characters in that book.
chuck dukowski wrote:I'm glad you asked about politics. Since I'm a bass player, I know everything about it