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Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 4:00 pm
by dontfeartheringo
Never a bad plan to try and hit the drum as close to center as you can.

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 10:27 am
by thecr4ne
Traynor Bass Master Mkii Yba1a Tube Guitar Amplifier-$550 Offerup LA area ... ?q=traynor

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 7:04 am
by Nate Dort

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 10:20 am
by Garth
I don't need two

I DON'T need two

I don't NEED two

I don't need TWO


Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 11:37 am
by MoreSpaceEcho
But the one would be so lonely, they need a sibling.

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 11:38 am
by Owen
This is my buddy's listing, for an Egnater Tweater head. ... 66365.html

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 1:21 pm
by BrendanK ... lack-vinyl

Earth Sound Research PA-2000 and PA-312 Speakers

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 2:20 pm
by frighteners
I am enthralled by this person's Reverb ads.

"the magic of the travis bean is that the aluminum allows for unique sonic information to flow through the pickups and hit your ears"
"this guitar has the real, dead on accurate proper full size 58 neck that you'd find on a real one, which is now a million dollar guitar. the wood very old, maybe revolutionary war era africa, and is far superior to anything offered by gibson at any price. superior to the $30-50K custom shop guitars they sell. not even a fair comparison."
"i've shipped many high dollar amps with no problems, no insurance claims in 30 years. last deluxe went to france for $17K and arrived in 3 days. it took 4-5 hours to pack because i go the extra mile and do an extremely thorough job using expensive foam."
"the 1960's #1974 18w marshall maybe the singlemost desirable and rare amp that exists. (if you have one for sale i will buy it immediately)"

The eBay listing for the Bean is even sillier.

"guitar was tonally useless, until we changed the pots from the brittle tone deaf cheap 500k
to CTS 250K Audio Taper Potentiometers - Solid Shaft. now you have musical high end,
and have eliminated the torturous ice picky unmusical brittle high end that plagues most
TB guitars. the quickest and easiest fix to any TB guitar is likely going to be in the pots. "

"i'm only selling because of my vintage TB collection, and i bought it for a
frame of reference so i could speak with my luthier and other folks intelligently
about the differences between modern and vintage, and now we know. "

This person is one "White buyers only" away from Gallo.

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 2:54 pm
by tallchris
99% sure that is Gallo

Re: TRAYNORetcALERT- The "Look What's on Ebay" Thread

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 3:01 am
by agiant
Matches. Gallo, or ChatGPT impersonating Gallo.