Finished inventory today, and we only lost three things due to theft.
I spent my lunch hour shooting motorcycles with some Kodachrome. Interestingly enough, most motorcycle riders who work in the Flatiron seem to favor Triumphs.
The clouds were so amazing today that I also shot a roll of my "Fritz Lang" film with the Flatiron building as the subject. The parade of tourists that walked by me were pretty confused that I was kneeling on the ground, in the middle of the traffic island.
Little details from your day
5542Yesterday was a bad day, I woke up to bad news and spent the day under a dark cloud. I somehow managed to finish another essay though so I am somewhat cheered by this even though I can't sleep.
Anyway, I was relieved to find I had enough printing credit here at uni. I printed off two copies. I'm about to hand it in then head to town to buy my mums xmas gift. I feel relieved and can't wait to get on that plane in 5 days time..or is it 6?
In other news, my baby car is suicidal, keeps cutting out. Needs a new battery. I restarted whilst on the go on my way here 6 times in total. Fun times y'all!
Anyway, I was relieved to find I had enough printing credit here at uni. I printed off two copies. I'm about to hand it in then head to town to buy my mums xmas gift. I feel relieved and can't wait to get on that plane in 5 days time..or is it 6?
In other news, my baby car is suicidal, keeps cutting out. Needs a new battery. I restarted whilst on the go on my way here 6 times in total. Fun times y'all!
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".
Little details from your day
5543I bought a house.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?
Little details from your day
5544Tommy Alpha wrote:My ex girlfriend came over to give me a Christmas present before she goes home. We had a pretty pleasant evening. She leaves my house to go home and gets smacked in the eye by some little cunt, backed up by about six or so other cunts. She drops her phone and they run off with it. When she called them fucking pricks, they (still running) shouted back “watch what you say to me” or some shit.
She came back and I went to her house with her, made sure she was ok. When I got back I wandered around the streets near my house half hoping they’d try it with me so I could knock the living shit out of them. Thankfully I haven’t gone Travis Bickle and gone out again with a claw hammer, though I’m sorely fucking tempted to. Apparently living 2 minutes from a police station doesn’t help you avoid mugging.
Absolute fucking cowards.
I'm glad to hear she's okay. This happened in Brockley, right?
Little details from your day
5545Tommy Alpha wrote:daniel robert chapman wrote:Tommy Alpha wrote:My ex girlfriend came over to give me a Christmas present before she goes home. We had a pretty pleasant evening. She leaves my house to go home and gets smacked in the eye by some little cunt, backed up by about six or so other cunts. She drops her phone and they run off with it. When she called them fucking pricks, they (still running) shouted back “watch what you say to me” or some shit.
When I was mugged several years ago, it was by a small gang of cocky shits that sound similar to this one. I volunteered my phone quite readily - it was shite, and I'd foolishly had it on view - and most of them began to run. The main cock, though, demanded my wallet next. I said something along the lines of "you got my phone, there's nowt in my fucking wallet". Cock punched me once, breaking my nose, and told me not to swear at him.
Having your profane language corrected by the teenager mugging you. It's a different sort of respect to the kind I was taught, for sure. Hope your ex is okay, Tommy.
Yeah, she's ok. She's had a stiff drink and is going to bed. Thanks mate.
It was a similar thing- stupidly having it on display as most of us have done, except they didn't even demand or threaten, just lamped her. Sucker punching a woman on her own, for fucks sake. I'm just glad that was all that happened...
Sorry to hear about this Tommy - glad she's ok. You must be livid - these vile little fucks are so cowardly and shameless, it's enraging.
I got mugged when I was fourteen years old, in Stevenage (a particularly nasty new town with many a run down council estate to its name). I was attacked by three kids who must have been eighteen or nineteen - taking on one fourteen year old, they must have felt like really big men. One of 'em hit me round the head with a wooden steak mallet. I didn't have any money though, and this was well pre-mobile phone, so they got nowt out of it other than some atavistic satisfaction I suppose. I distinctly remember that when the mallet guy whipped out at his weapon and shouted at me "Do you want some?", all I could think to say, in my polite middle class way, was "No thanks".
Didn't seem funny at the time but it certainly cracks me up now.
Rick Reuben wrote:He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.

Little details from your day
5546Shit, Tommy, I am sorry to hear that. I am glad that she is ok, though.
Seven years back I was jumped by a five or six 15 year old gremlins on Roman Road, taking a very wussy punch to the back of the head before they finally managed to trip me over and rifle through my jacket. "Get his wallet!" I remember that it took a few weeks to feel comfortable walking home again, but once those weeks had passed I was fine; I was more angry at allowing some little bastard to get a punch in.
With regards to that anger, a small consolation I can recommend is to acknowledge that the guys who hit and mugged your ex are nasty, weak and hopeless little men - to an extent, their punishment is their own, current existence.
Seven years back I was jumped by a five or six 15 year old gremlins on Roman Road, taking a very wussy punch to the back of the head before they finally managed to trip me over and rifle through my jacket. "Get his wallet!" I remember that it took a few weeks to feel comfortable walking home again, but once those weeks had passed I was fine; I was more angry at allowing some little bastard to get a punch in.
With regards to that anger, a small consolation I can recommend is to acknowledge that the guys who hit and mugged your ex are nasty, weak and hopeless little men - to an extent, their punishment is their own, current existence.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!
Little details from your day
5547My two week vacation started today! I've spending the morning cleaning the apt. I've been at it for about an hour and a half. After this break, I'll spend about that same time finishing. Windows/floors are getting washed and I'm organizing everything, is been quite a long time coming.
Then I will start boozing earlier today, while buying a few last Christmas presents. I'm sure the alcohol along the way will help me make a few purchases for myself that I've been holding off on. "New Guitar, I'm looking at you!"
Then I will start boozing earlier today, while buying a few last Christmas presents. I'm sure the alcohol along the way will help me make a few purchases for myself that I've been holding off on. "New Guitar, I'm looking at you!"
Little details from your day
5549sparky wrote:Shit, Tommy, I am sorry to hear that. I am glad that she is ok, though.
Seven years back I was jumped by a five or six 15 year old gremlins on Roman Road, taking a very wussy punch to the back of the head before they finally managed to trip me over and rifle through my jacket. "Get his wallet!" I remember that it took a few weeks to feel comfortable walking home again, but once those weeks had passed I was fine; I was more angry at allowing some little bastard to get a punch in.
With regards to that anger, a small consolation I can recommend is to acknowledge that the guys who hit and mugged your ex are nasty, weak and hopeless little men - to an extent, their punishment is their own, current existence.
Yeah, t'was in Brockley. I just fooled myself into thinking that this area isn't so bad, as its been absolutely years since I've been mugged. Foolish though as it happened to a friend of mine not so long ago and my pop was mugged at the bottom of his road in Catford a few years ago- pinned to the ground and a knife pulled on him. I fucking hate this city, I really do.
Jodie (my ex) has gone home to Shrewsbury for a few days- I'm just glad she can get out of London for a bit.
I know what you mean about their shitty existence- its like my feelings towards the guy who shot my friend earlier this year. The only consolation I’ve got is that it’s ruined his life… I'm torn between that kind of thing and just feeling plain sorry for anyone caught up in this self perpetuating cycle of violence and bravado. Maybe I’ve just been watching too much of The Wire and The Corner.
Thanks for the messages guys! This is what I love about the PRF.
Little details from your day
5550No worries.
What I am a little worried about is that it is beginning to look like almost all of us in the UK PRF have been mugged at some time. Damn these mean, grey streets full of chips, blood and kebab meat.
What I am a little worried about is that it is beginning to look like almost all of us in the UK PRF have been mugged at some time. Damn these mean, grey streets full of chips, blood and kebab meat.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!