Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:59 am
burun wrote:I had no hot water this morning so I could not take a shower, which put crimp in my day at the outset.
boo, hiss.
I used to live in a very old house with a bunch of other musicians/creative types. I was often the first one up, only to discover that the outflow pipe for the house had backed up (I don't know why this happened so often, but the landlord never did anything about it until we'd moved out) and flooded the room with the water heater, drowning the pilot light. I would have to relight the pilot light, then take a cold water shower and hustle off to work. The bathroom was often arctic, too, because the same heater sent hot water to the radiators. If I hadn't reeked of cigarette smoke and alcohol, I would have skipped the whole ordeal.
Later, when I got home from work, I would tell my roommates that this was happening and they'd often say "Well, the water was hot when *I* woke up... [bong hit]"
And then I would be forced to scream at them "THAT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB AND SLEEP UNTIL NOON, YOU FUCK!!"
Somehow I managed not to kill them all. I do remember once, we were soooo broke, like Young-Ones-Catch-the-Lentils broke, when one of my roommates woke me up at 4am saying "MAKE SOME COFFEE, MAKE SOME COFFEE," and I switched on the light to discover that he was standing in the bedroom door with TWO trashbags full of doughnuts. He had happened to walk by the Dunkin Donuts on his way home and caught the guy as he was throwing out the last batch of doughnuts of the previous day.
Yes. Two 30 gallon trashbags full of doughnuts. 60.... gallons.... of.... doughnuts. Everyone who lived in that house was getting by on less than $450 a month. We were all starving. I have never been so sick... and happy...
In other appliance news: I put a belt on the drier last night. Did it meself after going to the appliance store and buying a belt. A clothes drier is a pretty simple machine, I have discovered. Motor/blower, heater, barrel, box. Hardly anything to it.