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Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 11:42 pm
by TylerDeadPine
Just a check in to say I’m still having a fucking blast with my Prophet Rev2. I’m running through a TC Juno chorus, and an EHX deluxe memory man and it’s huge. I get peoples complaints about the low end but also running a boss bass EQ, I think it’s more of the high end is so powerful the lows lose you a bit. Boosting with an EQ does wonders. For a do-all synth with a beautiful keybed that makes playing fun, and plays nice in a full band, I’m so happy.

Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:29 pm
by benadrian
Jimmywahcrowbar wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:09 am Been a while since posting, so a couple of micro-reviews:

Mesa Express 5:50 112 combo - 4 channels, the clean and crunch channels sound really good and take pedals nicely, but the more gainy channels are kinda weird.
Any more experience with this? I've been thinking about compact 1-12 combos that can kinda rip when needed. I'd love a more full featured review.


Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:52 pm
by llllllllllllllllllll
These big ass felt picks kick so much ass. If flats get you halfway to that bass sound, these get you the rest of the way there. They’re very thick but you get used to it.

Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:48 am
by Kniferide
llllllllllllllllllll wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:52 pm These big ass felt picks kick so much ass. If flats get you halfway to that bass sound, these get you the rest of the way there. They’re very thick but you get used to it.
I love those things. Having a variety of weird picks is better than having a variety of guitars if you are just looking for different sounds

Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:20 am
by Tom Wanderer
Biamp MR140 "professional reverb" arrived yesterday and it's not right. The wet signal is barely there. Super quiet. I've already checked the tank to see if something came loose or broke during shipping and it looks good. The tank is new, dated 2022, and there's a sticker for a service shop in MA that I emailed just to see if they remembered this coming across the bench. It's a bummer because I'm getting enough of an impression from this thing that if it worked, it would be just what I was looking for. I'm going to try a new tank later today and maybe get some info from the repair place. Otherwise I'll likely have to return it. If that's the case I'll probably just spend a hundred more for the one on Reverb cuz now I really want one of these that works.

Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 9:48 am
by Nate Dort
Did you try swapping the I/O on the reverb tank? Maybe they connected it backwards, which would likely give you low output.

I vaguely recall working on one of these about 15 years ago, and it was pretty simple inside. Just a few opamps.

Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:59 am
by Tom Wanderer
Nate Dort wrote: Did you try swapping the I/O on the reverb tank? Maybe they connected it backwards, which would likely give you low output.

I vaguely recall working on one of these about 15 years ago, and it was pretty simple inside. Just a few opamps.
That was the first thing I did. I've encountered that before and it had that same type of sound as when the send and return are switched; the effect is there, just barely, and super quiet. Didn't end up being the case. I'll try another tank and report back.

Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:39 pm
by Tom Wanderer
Swapping in a good reverb tank didn't make a difference. It seems like it should be something simple unless the repair itself was incorrect. The component side of the board looks fine, nothing discolored, leaking or bulging. Trace side looks good, no lifting or burns, solder joints look solid. The only thing I can think of to check now is the footswitch jack...that it could be fucked up somehow and defeating the effect. That's a longshot though. If I can't figure it out I'll be sending it back next week, but it looks so simple! I'd love to solve the problem.

Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:50 pm
by Tom Wanderer
...aaaand the other Biamp reverb I had my eye on just sold. Shit.

Re: Micro-reviews of Gear You Just Bought

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:23 pm
by cakes
Beyerdynamics DT 900 Pro X open back headphones I bought for mixing. Wow, from the second I put them on, I could hear all the issues that I wasn't hearing on my reference headphones. I'd have to mix, then run to my car to hear my mixes through the car speakers to get a good idea of what I did had too much bass or not enough mid. Not anymore! These headphones are incredible for the price. Picked up an open box pair on Reverb and got another $50 knocked off for the holidays. Amazing deal!