Little details from your day

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I had one of slips/falls that tend to happen on ice.
Sadly, it was one of those "you can see yourself doing it as it happens and knowing it's gonna suck balls" events.
Anyway, I think I tore a muscle in my left elbow.

Sorry to hear you are busted up, CJM, but I admit that the very first question in my head upon reading this was whether or not you had a grocery bag with a gallon of milk in it...

Chicago probably makes that one blizzard look like frost though, huh.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Little details from your day

Fuck today. Fuck this entire day. Fuck it in the ass.

1. 9am: I washed (and dried) my cell phone.
2. 10:30 am: fuck Verizon. Why don't they have any Nokia phones? Why is every phone there $250+ without a new contract?
3. 11:00am: fuck Avis.
4. 11:30am to 11:30pm: Fuck driving from Athens, GA to Washington Dc with NO CELL PHONE, IN THE GODDAMN POURING RAIN, IN A CAR HALF THE SIZE OF THE ONE I RENTED.

Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day

Gareth, I saw one of your slabs of drone in Aquarius today. I didn't buy it, but I did take a bad picture of it on my phone.

I lost one of my gloves in Pops bar the other night and played and won 4 games of pool if not by default then by drunken skills.

I watched Two Lane Blacktop finally.

I had a nose around San Francisco General Hospital while on my walk this morning.

I don't want to go home.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

Little details from your day

dontfeartheringo wrote:Fuck today. Fuck this entire day. Fuck it in the ass.

1. 9am: I washed (and dried) my cell phone.
2. 10:30 am: fuck Verizon. Why don't they have any Nokia phones? Why is every phone there $250+ without a new contract?
3. 11:00am: fuck Avis.
4. 11:30am to 11:30pm: Fuck driving from Athens, GA to Washington Dc with NO CELL PHONE, IN THE GODDAMN POURING RAIN, IN A CAR HALF THE SIZE OF THE ONE I RENTED.


stop by and say hi if you feel so inclined. i'm on the way.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

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