son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:31 pm
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Kenny: The seventeen year old kid in pilates class. What the hell is he doing here? Oh, he's here to stare down the women's shirts and check out their asses. Hey, bears fish at salmon runs.
Just Better:The fifteen year old drug dealer in seventh grade. Why is he there? To tear the classroom apart and drum up the biznezz. But he's shrimpy and probably carrying. "Tricks get dealt with," he says.
Just Worse:The nineteen year old kid with "Fuck Me." tatooed on his forehead that rode the Greyhound. Have fun wearing a hat to work for the rest of your days.
Record stores that have all these beautiful guitars hung up as decoration amongst all the memorabilia that will never be played and only collect dust.