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Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:11 am
by J Burns_Archive
Today has been a shitty day.
My landlord thought it would be a great idea to cash January and December's rent checks today.
Really, I should have done a better job balancing my checkbook, but seriously what the fuck kind of landlord sits on a goddamn rent check for SIX GODDAMN WEEKS before cashing the motherfucker? Needless to say, it bounced, because I thought it had cleared weeks ago. I'll be caught up by the end of the month, but only because I'll be mac'n'cheesing it for the rest of the month.
Then I got home from work. Logged on to MySpace and found out my friend
Michael Griffen died a couple days ago.
Michael booked the first-ever punk rock show I played at. I recorded my first-ever 4-track demo at his house in the early 90's.
I hadn't seen or talked to him since I moved to Seattle three years ago.
I'm going to bed in a couple of minutes and I'm going to start over again tomorrow.
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:57 am
by simmo_Archive
burun wrote:Watching The Science Of Sleep, and getting ready to go to bed myself.
I had a shitty, stressful, and painful day.
I am glad it is raining out now, because the arhythmic beating of the drops on my windows will help me fall asleep.
Ha! Strange coincidence - me and Dindon watched that last night too.
What did you think of it. I'm not sure it was a good choice after a shitty day... I thought it was good, but profoundly depressing.
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:17 pm
by burun_Archive
In NYC, tomorrow will be
No Pants Day.
I bet at least one detail from tomorrow will be how I gazed lustfully at one of these pantsless wonders.
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:24 pm
by yaledelay_Archive
I lost a very big bid on a huge order today, that would have made me some $, today sucks, I guess you can't stay on a hot streak forever... but man was I on one for a while there... back to pounding the pavement and trolling for orders...
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:32 pm
by enframed_Archive
well, i coudn't bring myself to be drunk at the two-day training workshop though i did purchase a flask. my wife was truly concerned.
anyway, it was, as i anticipated, in part because i anticipated it would be, hell. i had to role-play. i'm in philanthropy and i had to act like i cared about other humans in a very forced way. i called in sick the past two days because i couldn't take seeing my new short boss after his display at the training workshop.
multiple times my new short boss raised his hand, bringing his body with him as his hand went up. as he received acknowledgment of a correct, or good, answer, he looked around the room to see who was paying attention. he also said at least three pretty inappropriate things, only one, sadly, of which i remember. at one point we watched a video of an older gentlemen, one of the countries leading university development officers, speaking about what it takes to make donors feel really special about making a gift. the gentleman spoke very succinctly, each word chosen carefully. the moderator of the workshop asked what sort of person we thought the gentleman was. after a few others opined my new short boss responded with "not to be age-ist, but do you think it's possible that we interpreted him as speaking slowly because of his age?" the moderator answered "I don't think so" as questionable looks were sent around the room.
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:04 pm
by ironyengine_Archive
Last night around 7pm I answered a knock on our door. We live in an apartment complex in a completely nondescript suburb of Indy, and I think there is a "no soliciting" policy so we do not get knocks very often. I opened the door to see a teenaged girl standing there, empty-handed and smiling awkwardly. She introduced herself and I responded with "nice to meet you <name>, what can I do for you?" She then complimented us on the magnetic poetry that we had placed on the outside of the door, mostly to amuse incoming guests - I think one sentence was "I'd smile like it was delicious" and the other isn't coming to mind. I thanked her, then asked again what I could do for her. She stammered a bit, then said "I guess you're like, 'why are you bothering me, huh?'" and I sort of shrugged, keeping an expectant look on my face.
She finally explained that she was there trying to sell newspaper subscriptions in an effort to get a scholarship to IUPUI, and asked whether we currently had any newspaper delivery at our apartment. I explained that we did not, and although I'd love to be able to help her with her scholarship I really didn't have the money right now (this is true). She countered asking "well even like a dollar a week, that kind of thing? You really can't?" and I reiterated that no, I'm just not in position to subscribe to things at the moment and I'm very sorry, but good luck with her efforts. I then closed the door, told the other two members of the apartment what had happened and we all went on with taking down Christmas decorations.
This morning, my girlfriend and I opened the front door to load the bins of Christmas decor into her truck to find the magnetic poetry missing. I considered reporting this to the rental office but it seems so petty that I don't know why I'd really bother. But who steals magnetic poetry!
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:09 pm
by benadrian_Archive
ironyengine wrote:Last night around 7pm I answered a knock on our door. We live in an apartment complex in a completely nondescript suburb of Indy,
Which one?
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:13 pm
by ironyengine_Archive
benadrian wrote:ironyengine wrote:Last night around 7pm I answered a knock on our door. We live in an apartment complex in a completely nondescript suburb of Indy,
Which one?
Plainfield. It is as it is described.
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:29 pm
by benadrian_Archive
ironyengine wrote:benadrian wrote:ironyengine wrote:Last night around 7pm I answered a knock on our door. We live in an apartment complex in a completely nondescript suburb of Indy,
Which one?
Plainfield. It is as it is described.
Oh, I know.
Whenever I go back to visit, I try to make a trip to Six Strings Down to see if there's anything cheap and unique. I've gotten many great deals there.
Little details from your day
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:45 pm
by ironyengine_Archive
benadrian wrote:Whenever I go back to visit, I try to make a trip to Six Strings Down to see if there's anything cheap and unique. I've gotten many great deals there.
I have not visited this shop yet, but then I also have nothing in the way of disposable income. Maybe when I get a job again I will check it out.
If you know of anything else at all worthwhile around here, please feel free to PM me, because man it's boring.