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Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:36 am
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Saturday night I had two shows in two cities with two different bands.

A lesser man (with more balls) might have told one of the bands "Sorry, I can't do it. Find another drummer or cancel the show."

I made other plans. I played in Atlanta with Five-Eight at Smith's Old Bar from 11:15 to midnight. I leapt up from behind the drum kit at Smith's at midnight, ran down the back stairs, jumped into my car and rushed to Athens.

I managed to make the drive in one hour and ten minutes.

Someone was waiting outside the club in Athens for me, they went and parked my car. My vistalites were already on stage when I arrived. By 1:25, I was starting my second show.

I now wish that there was some way I could play a show before every show, because my muscles were so warm and loose that it was easily the best Music Hates You show I have played in months.

I now realize that any difficulties I have playing MHY songs (which are fairly athletic undertakings) are purely because my muscles aren't warm enough.

I feel kind of like a super hero right now, but I guess playing two shows in two different cities with two different bands isn't THAT big a deal...

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:38 am
by The Code is Almighty_Archive
Two and a half years at my job and they fired me today. After all the crap I took and even after I had to file a harrassment claim I figured that, at least, I had job security.

They made the HR rep who I filed the harassment claim with who told me there was nothing he could do about it and to "suck it up or find another job" my boss about a month ago. With his paternity leave and the holidays we worked maybe 10 days together. He had me come into his office today and asked me to resign based on our "differences of opinion for the department's future." He figured all of that out in about 10 days of working together.

I have an appointment with an employment lawyer this afternoon. I can't believe that I'm now "that fucking guy."

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:40 am
by enframed_Archive
Sock OR Muffin? wrote:Went to meet a friend of my fiance's yesterday. We woke up early and drove 45 minutes to get there. Now my fiance hadn't seen her friend in four years and I'd never met friend or her husband. We get there and the friend and husband didn't even get out of their PJs for the first hour. We get the tour of the house which was nice if slightly disheveled but they have a toddler so that's to be expected. We go in and husband and mother in-law are sitting at their computer...nothing so much as a hello or even bothering to turn away from the monitor to look at us. Fiance and I go and sit on the couch almost unnoticed while the regular Sunday activities go on around us. After about an hour we take friend grocery shopping. We come back and sit on a couch in the garage while friend and assorted other family smoke weed. I go inside and watch about four episodes on dvd of some comedy with husband. Neither of us say more than ten words the whole time but he's a nice guy and I can relate to the silent type. Friend makes lunch and we find out that it's ready by the fact that she sits down with a plate for herself in front of the tv. We eat lunch, watch some more tv, go back in the garage to watch more cigs and weed being smoked. Fiance whispers to me after about three hours "we should get going". We grab our coats, say our goodbyes and take off. As we're driving away we kind of look at each other, laugh and say "what just happened?"

Husband didn't get out of his pajamas the whole time.

sounds like a good tarantino film.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:42 am
by Benny_Archive
that was great, ringo.
i remember when i read how some high-grossing djs do that ALL THE TIME and even moving from a country to another. like, playing from 20 to 23 in berlin, take a plane, go to barcelona, play again til 3 am, then take another plane, go to london, and so on.
i imagine insane amounts of drugs are needed to pull that off.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:45 am
by Josef K_Archive
enframed wrote:
sounds like a good tarantino film.

That would be different.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:47 am
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Benny wrote:i imagine insane amounts of drugs are needed to pull that off.


Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 11:47 am
by Sock OR Muffin?_Archive
enframed wrote: sounds like a good tarantino film.

Not nearly enough heroin or guns around.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:25 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
I just had one of my teeth pulled out, molar way in the back was all fucked up and killing me. Chunks of the tooth have been falling out of my mouth for a few weeks now and I could no longer stand the pain or the stink of decay coming out of my mouth.
I bit the bullet and went to the dentist, there are several million other things I would rather be doing than sitting in a fucking dentists office but it had to be done, it was at that point.
I really dislike going to the dentist, have had some bad experiences in the past. Once when I was maybe 15, I was jumped by skinheads and they were kind enough to kick me in the face repeatedly and crack three of my teeth and I had to get them yanked out. The asshole dentist ran out of novacaine, didn't have any so he just yanked them out without it. The whole time he is bitching to the chick there that he doesn't feel like doing this because he's supposed to be at some party. Total prick.
Fuck did that suck. Left me with a lifelong hatred of these guys, these dentists.
Jesus fucking Christ this dentist today was a fucking butcher, just slicing, crushing, drilling and jabbing away at the fucking thing for an hour.
At least the shit was numb.
When he finally got ahold of it and yanked it out I can't tell you the relief I felt. I actually started laughing out loud. It was a hellish experience.
I figure he's give me some decent pills but of course the asshole says 'take some aspirin'
My mouth is gushing blood as well, for some reason he says not to spit for 24 hours....why the fuck would I be swallowing blood for 24 hours? What would that possibly help?
Fuck I hate this life, Earth, all of it.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:27 pm
by sunlore_Archive
This morning when I went to get milk and croissants I noticed what I took to be the sound of an ailing crow that had been hit with throat cancer or something. A hideous sound that cut right through my bones. I located the bird high up in a tree, high-lighted against the dim sky, its neck seemed somewhat crooked. The whole scene was rather soul-destroying.

Later today I bought hot chocolate from a street stall. The vendor, wearing baseball cap, backwards, was constantly nodding his head to this blaring death metal emanating from a crappy boombox. He put a truly Olympian pile of whipped cream on the beverage and supplied me with some free hazelnut syrup. I drank the chocolate at the stall and metal guy and I both admired a girl sitting on a bench across the street. Her shoes were the shiniest I've ever seen. She looked absolutely gorgeous and entirely depressed.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:41 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
sunlore wrote:She looked absolutely gorgeous and entirely depressed.

You should have thrown something at her, a rock or something.