Little details from your day

Ty Webb wrote:Put a plain tea bag (ahem) in your mouth where the tooth used to be and suck on it for a good, long while. At least 15 minutes.

i've heard this too and might have done it when my wisdom teeth were pulled, however, i can't remember.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:I have never bought tea ever, just tea? I mean there's 500 types of tea at the store, which should I grab?

Just plain old Lipton (or similar common) tea bags. Nothing special. Just get whatever's cheap at the supermarket and comes in individual bags.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Little details from your day

my new short boss (note: is he still new? it's been four months. is he new until his probationary period ends?) just walked into my office while eating caramel junior mints from a halloween candy sized box and said,

"i'm sorry?" i responded.
"scuttlebutt" he repeated.
"i don't know what that is."
"it means i have a piece of gossip."
"e----- p------ is leaving. j------- just told me."
"i don't know who that is." (i really don't)
"oh, she's j-------'s assistant." he informs me.
"just thought i'd let you know."
"alright, bud."
and he walked out.
Last edited by enframed_Archive on Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Little details from your day

I saw the host of Wild Chicago walking down Grand near Dearborn around noon today. I rolled down my window and yelled "Hey Wild Chicago!" and he just pointed at me and smiled.

This is the second time I have seen Wild Chicago Guy in the city. The first time was this past November at the screening for "You Weren't There". I did not yell out to him that first time but I am glad I did this time.

Little details from your day

enframed wrote:"scuttlebutt"
"i'm sorry?" i responded.
"scuttlebutt" he repeated.
"i don't know what that is."

This reminds me, I had a boss once (not really short that I recall) who would drop all kinds of random words around everyone all time. This was a company that bought old trashy furniture and kind of fancified stuff and then re-sold it. I recall one day I was busy in the workshop and he came down from his office into the shop and just stood there for a while grinning and smoking and then said:

"Meat. Processing. Industries."

Just that. Then back into the office.

A certified bad-ass he was, too.

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