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Last edited by cal_Archive on Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.


fiery jack wrote:
Brown sauce? BROWN SAUCE?

fo' shame mr cjh.

it's HP sauce (and it is underrated).

"Brown" and "red" sauces are for people who eat Turkey Twizzlers and think it's "good nosebag".

At the risk of entering a world of inferwebnettrivianonsense, I must leap to Mr Cjh's defence, for is not Daddies sauce of equal 'browness'? And almost certainly Daddies sauce is not HP sauce...


fiery jack wrote:
cjh wrote:O: Ketchup
U: Brown Sauce

Brown sauce? BROWN SAUCE?

fo' shame mr cjh.

it's HP sauce (and it is underrated).

"Brown" and "red" sauces are for people who eat Turkey Twizzlers and think it's "good nosebag".

Hold up, theres a lot of really nice brown sauces. In fact, when I was a nipper I remember a few friends whose parents used to make their own 'brown sauce'.

'Brown sauce' : 'tis slang for fruit sauces of various kinds, usually apple and wochester sauce, or sometimes used for a pussy variation of Jerk Sauce.


O: HP Sauce
U: Daddies

WF: HP Fruity


fiery jack wrote:Brown sauce? BROWN SAUCE?

*hangs head* you are of course entirely correct. I just like the way it sounds.. Brahhn Sosss. As I type this I'm just 2 miles downwind of the HP Sauce factory and on a good day catch a whiff of tamarinds and their other mystery ingredients.

Brown Sauce. I think deep down I'm still mentally scarred by Edmonds during my childhood.


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