Your favorite line in a movie?

A new favorite from Return of the Living Dead II: "Watch the car, ghoul face!" It's something about the way the guy says it that cracks me up so much.

Pretty much anything Peter Bark says in Burial Ground. So creepy.

"Omae wa mou shindeiru" ("You are already dead") from Fist of the North Star.

diego wrote:
Bloodjet wrote:diego: Is your avatar from The Beyond?

Yes it is.
One of the greatest movie ever!!!!!
Damn I love the scene where the sooooooo obviously fake spiders apart from only one make those squeeky noises.
And the soundtrack is memorable too.

I agree with this. I LOVE The Beyond, and most of Fulci's horror stuff for that matter. The soundtrack is tremendous, and during the "spider attack" scene, you can hear this whispering "...spider...spider..." like Frizzi was trying to cop the "witch" bit in Goblin's Suspiria sountrack. So funny and great.

Salut, diego, Bloodjet, Fulci!
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Your favorite line in a movie?

Bumpidy Bump bump

Safe Men:
Eddie: Sam this man is in the mafia, he's not going to let us off the hook if we give him a fucking basket of sundry goods
SAm: Oh, but he's in the Jewish mafia, I'm sure that's more of like a club than a criminal organization

Eddie: Do you think this was a good career move!!??
Sam: I thought it would get us some exposure in the international community.


Also, almost every line of the big lebowski.

every other line Fletch.
("get me a glass of hot fat. And bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia while you're out" )

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