The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

Linus Van Pelt wrote:
AlBStern wrote:This Panther Knows Portuguese? defeats Book Reference Book 12-11

This Panther Speaks Portuguese? (6S) and Book Reference Book (11S) each received 12 votes. Book Reference Book received votes from the following:
1. kerble
2. cranius
3. sunlore
4. christopher_dragon
5. mr. chimp
6. the classical
7. timmx
8. stackmatic
9. tmidgett
10. bumble
11. andrew l.
12. steve

I see only two possible solutions:

1. Form two twelve-piece bands of these names, each made up of the folks who voted for that name. Book a show for each band for the same night at separate venues in Boise. See which show Bradley R. Weissenberger attends.

2. Al B. Stern votes to break tie.

Linus van Pelt

yes, somehow my vote was not counted. scott mentioned as much earlier.


The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

The Albini Division

Stephen Hawking and the Bendy Straws (8A)
Pant Gift (7A)
Pelt-Lobber (11A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)

The Stack Division

Wyaoming (1S)
Roboweakling (2S)
Which Base Is Fingering? (3S)
The Taste of Steel as Your Last Meal (13S)

The Weissenberger Division

Police Teeth (1W)
Kinko's f*cked up my order (7W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself (5W)

The Jung Division

Syndrome of a Down (1J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Emergency Turban (3J)
Test Fuck (4J)

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!


The Albini Division

Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Punch You Face Me (2A)
Ed Begley, Jr. and Solar-Powered Corolla (14A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)

The Stack Division

Wyaoming (1S)
Roboweakling (2S)
Which Base Is Fingering? (3S) as it stands....Book Reference Book (11S) if it makes it in revised seeding
Owl Botherer (12S)

The Weissenberger Division

Police Teeth (1W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Botanical Bulls (13W)

The Jung Division

Syndrome of a Down (1J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Limbless Contessa (6J)
Test Fuck (4J)

some hard choices in there....

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!


The Albini Identity

Are you there god? It's me Danzig (1A)
Pant Gift (7A)
Pelt-Lobber (11A)
tightest diaper (4A)

The Stack Protocol

Gentle Fudge (9S)
Roboweakling (2S)
Book Reference Book (11S)
Owl Botherer (12S)

The Weissenberger Ultimatum

Show Your Work (math rockers) (9W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Botanical Bulls (13W)

The Jung Directive

Syndrome of a Down (1J) thank you, tmidgett, for educating me enough to allow me to vote for this band name
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Emergency Turban (3J)
Practice Wife (12J)
Last edited by Linus Van Pelt_Archive on Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

Albini Division

Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Punch You Face Me (2A)
Pelt-Lobber (11A)
tightest diaper (4A)

Stack Division

Gentle Fudge (9S)
Coldest Breasts Ever (7S)
This Panther Knows Portuguese? (6S)
The Taste of Steel as Your Last Meal (13S)

Weissenberger Division (hardest)

Police Teeth (1W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
VanDerSnatch (11W)
Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself (5W)

Jung Division

I Want to Sink Your Sailboats (8J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Limbless Contessa (6J)
Test Fuck (4J)

Maybe we should poll the next round as to avoid strong names eliminating eachother?

EDIT: I too await the return of Book Reference Book to this great game of procrastination.

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!


The Albini Division

Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Pant Gift (7A)
Ed Begley, Jr. and Solar-Powered Corolla (14A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)

The Stack Division

Gentle Fudge (9S)
Coldest Breasts Ever (7S)
Book Reference Book (11S)
The Taste of Steel as Your Last Meal (13S)

The Weissenberger Division

Police Teeth (1W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
VanDerSnatch (11W)
Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself (5W)

The Jung Division

I Want to Sink Your Sailboats (8J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Limbless Contessa (6J)
Practice Wife (12J)

hard choices to be made

edited to include Book Reference Book as per the tie breaker
Last edited by the Classical_Archive on Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

AlBStern wrote:
Linus Van Pelt wrote:
AlBStern wrote:This Panther Knows Portuguese? defeats Book Reference Book 12-11

This Panther Speaks Portuguese? (6S) and Book Reference Book (11S) each received 12 votes.

I'm looking into it. If that's true, I'll break another tie.

Thanks LVP

LVP. You are very wise. Like an owl who has not been bothered.

I have broken the tie.

Book Reference Book, you advance to the round of 32.

The matchup is now....

Which Base Is Fingering? (3S) v. Book Reference Book (11S)
Eat me.

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

tmidgett wrote:yes, somehow my vote was not counted. scott mentioned as much earlier.


My bad. Me and my frickin computer! Tim, because your vote was on the same line as your vote for the previous seed, I got all mucked up. Both my data-processing program and my puny human eyes were unable to detect this vote, even when I specifically looked for it. WTF?!?!

But Tim... Two votes on one line? C'mon!! What is this, Russia?!?!

Honourable Al has broken the tie in a fashion that seems to make all of you goddamn Soviet bastards happy.

Sorry to see you go, Portugese Panthers. I miss you already!

Guyses like me who voted for the Panthers need to go and revise the votes. I almost voted for "Base Finger etc etc" purely out of spite for the Book Reference Book having been a major player in me erring. But then I thought about it, and BRB is a million times cooler than Base Fingers anyway. Salut, book about books!

Sorry for the dangling chads. Goddamn commie bastards!
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

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