Marsupialized wrote:We both enjoy making fun of people we feel are not as with it as ourselves
it's true, i have poked fun of people before, but it's not exactly a regular pastime. i have more of a "live and let live" philosophy of life; i don't need to make other people feel small in order to feel like a better man. judging from your posts, you, on the other hand, do.
Marsupialized wrote:except you dream of making fun of someone without him catching on.
no, i just feel like it's possible to make my point implicitly sometimes.
Marsupialized wrote:That makes you somehow more noble than I.
i never said i was more noble than anybody.
Marsupialized wrote:I, on the other hand am boorish because I do not feel the need to try and be sly with my taunts...
no, you're boorish because you're boorish. that comment was in reference to your generally being an imbecile on here.
Marsupialized wrote:No, I thought about it and that just makes you seem like a real puss.
sticks and stones.
Marsupialized wrote:Like a woman, really. That's how they do it.
i bet you really idolize Bukowski, don't you?