Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:The way I usually do it, if I see a girl I am interested in I totally rip apart whatever nerdy dude she came with right in front of him.

i do the same thing when i see a girl with some insufferable asshole like you who think's he better than everybody. "That miserable bastard isn't your boyfriend, is he? Wow! He must have had a terrible childhood. You're a saint for putting up with him."

Pickup Lines

Eksvplot wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:The way I usually do it, if I see a girl I am interested in I totally rip apart whatever nerdy dude she came with right in front of him.

i do the same thing when i see a girl with some insufferable asshole like you who think's he better than everybody. "That miserable bastard isn't your boyfriend, is he? Wow! He must have had a terrible childhood. You're a saint for putting up with him."

That's when the sexy dish I came with says 'get away from me nerd'
I imagine you have never once said anything like that for fear of being beaten to a pulp.
For the record, I am better than everybody at pretty much everything. Why would you want to live thinking you don't completely rule? What's the point?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:
Eksvplot wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:The way I usually do it, if I see a girl I am interested in I totally rip apart whatever nerdy dude she came with right in front of him.

i do the same thing when i see a girl with some insufferable asshole like you who think's he better than everybody. "That miserable bastard isn't your boyfriend, is he? Wow! He must have had a terrible childhood. You're a saint for putting up with him."

I imagine you have never once said anything like that for fear of being beaten to a pulp.

nope. not true. not true at all. although, in all fairness, it's very easy to put down some boorish jocko homo without him knowing it. thankfully, though, most of the girls i tend to like wouldn't be caught dead with someone like you. :)


Marsupialized wrote:Why would you want to live thinking you don't completely rule? What's the point?

confidence is fine. belief in oneself is a must. but when your unweildy ego is a drain on everyone around you, time and time again, maybe you should bring it down a notch -- even if only for your own sake. i wont bother lecturing you any further on this cuz i honestly doubt it'll do any good.

Pickup Lines

itchy mcgoo wrote:I think most of these merit this most excellent proposed response.
I hope the stars align one day and provide me with the opportunity, courage and proper quantity of methane to enact this plan.

Well if you get hit on at the .22 show tonight by a guy with a Bears knit cap and a big beard a la guy in the woods, go easy on me!

I remembered another!

"If I compliment your body, will you hold it against me?"

Think about it for a second...

I promise not to use that line on anyone at the .22 show tonight. With the likely exception of Mr R. Weissenberger.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

Pickup Lines

Eksvplot wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
Eksvplot wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:The way I usually do it, if I see a girl I am interested in I totally rip apart whatever nerdy dude she came with right in front of him.

i do the same thing when i see a girl with some insufferable asshole like you who think's he better than everybody. "That miserable bastard isn't your boyfriend, is he? Wow! He must have had a terrible childhood. You're a saint for putting up with him."

I imagine you have never once said anything like that for fear of being beaten to a pulp.

nope. not true. not true at all. although, in all fairness, it's very easy to put down some boorish jocko homo without him knowing it. thankfully, though, most of the girls i tend to like wouldn't be caught dead with someone like you. :)


Marsupialized wrote:Why would you want to live thinking you don't completely rule? What's the point?

confidence is fine. belief in oneself is a must. but when your unweildy ego is a drain on everyone around you, time and time again, maybe you should bring it down a notch -- even if only for your own sake. i wont bother lecturing you any further on this cuz i honestly doubt it'll do any good.

So let us see here. We both enjoy making fun of people we feel are not as with it as ourselves except you dream of making fun of someone without him catching on. That makes you somehow more noble than I.
I, on the other hand am boorish because I do not feel the need to try and be sly with my taunts, I deliver mine right out in the open usually accented by hard pokes to the chest.
No, I thought about it and that just makes you seem like a real puss.
Like a woman, really. That's how they do it.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:No, I thought about it and that just makes you seem like a real puss.
Like a woman, really. That's how they do it.

So, you big champion, after you've "won" this poor self-hating girl away from her wuss of a boyfriend, and you've taken her somewhere and fucked her like the big man that you are, do you and she compare stories from childhood? Have a contest to see which one of you can trump the other with the best "oh yeah, well one of the times I was abused, ..." stories? Do you both have lots of stories that begin with "one time, when my mom's boyfriend was fucking me in the ass"?

PS - your trolling is so goddamn transparent these days.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

Pickup Lines

Marsupialized wrote:We both enjoy making fun of people we feel are not as with it as ourselves

it's true, i have poked fun of people before, but it's not exactly a regular pastime. i have more of a "live and let live" philosophy of life; i don't need to make other people feel small in order to feel like a better man. judging from your posts, you, on the other hand, do.

Marsupialized wrote:except you dream of making fun of someone without him catching on.

no, i just feel like it's possible to make my point implicitly sometimes.

Marsupialized wrote:That makes you somehow more noble than I.

i never said i was more noble than anybody.

Marsupialized wrote:I, on the other hand am boorish because I do not feel the need to try and be sly with my taunts...

no, you're boorish because you're boorish. that comment was in reference to your generally being an imbecile on here.

Marsupialized wrote:No, I thought about it and that just makes you seem like a real puss.

sticks and stones.

Marsupialized wrote:Like a woman, really. That's how they do it.

i bet you really idolize Bukowski, don't you?

Pickup Lines

yesss... after four pages, none of my top 3 pickup lines are taken. they are:

*"If beauty were measured in milk, you would be a cow."

*"My love for you is like diarhea: I just can't hold it in."

*Look at the girl. Look over each one of your shoulders quickly and nervously. Look back at the girl, and do your best to say with a straight face, "Wanna get weird?"
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

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