The Threesome

Even more fun than most things I love / I'm all for giving it a shot
Total votes: 34 (59%)
Not all it's cracked up to be / No way in hell I'd be into this
Total votes: 24 (41%)
Total votes: 58

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Boombats wrote:
Christopher_Dragon wrote:
itchy mcgoo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I have dated girls who's vaginas were not very good at all at receiving and sustaining sexual pleasures. Like sandpaper it was.

The most frequent cause of this condition is "lack of arousal".
Just so you know.

OR she might actually have sandpaper up her Ho Ho®
just sayin' it is a possibility

Also known as having an "itchy mcgoo." This condition can last from May 14th 2005 to the present, and is common in the Chicago region.

This "Boombats" guy is hysterically funny!

Sexual Act: The Threesome

BadComrade wrote:
steve wrote:
BadComrade wrote:Steve-

Can you confirm or deny a story I once heard about you, a deaf guy, and a young, flatulent woman?

I'm sure I could. Either confirm or deny. I'm sure I could.

Well played, sir.

I enjoy the story as I've heard it, and probably don't want to know if it's not true. I shall never relay this story to others, since I myself can not confirm it through you.

Good call. I make it a point never to repeat any story unless I can confirm its absolute veracity.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

hench wrote:i've had one. it was fantastic. not because of the sex which was awkward and random and hot and creepy and awesome. no, it was fantastic because i was in some dude. and it was his birthday. and the birthday party was happening in his backyard. and he was actively courting one of the participants in the threesome.

yes. that rocked. i've never been to that dude's house again. i don't think i've ever even been to that town again.

I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

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