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Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 11:39 am
by alex maiolo_Archive
Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:
jerny wrote:well, my girlfriend's favorite two bands are THIN LIZZY and THE SUPERSUCKERS -

Aw, man, I want a girlfriend whose favorite band is Thin Lizzy.

Unfortunately Cheetie Kumar, the guitarist who used to play with Cherry Valence and now has a great band called Birds of Avalon, is married to the other guitarist in the band, Paul.

When I finally sit down to compile my Top 10 Cool People list, Cheetie will be in there. Gibson should pay her mortgage because she makes them look so good.

And I know of no other woman who digs Thin Lizzy as much.

Here is the MySpace page. Listen to the harmony guitar playing and you'll see what I mean.
They are about the nicest band in rock too.


Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:15 pm
by Kayte R.
shit sandwich.

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:14 pm
by galanter_Archive
I saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs perform live here in Atlanta recently and they were pretty great. They sounded surprisingly hard and not at all sloppy but just loose enough to establish a nice stomp-groove.

I don't know how anyone can not like Karen O. She was alternately crazed, evocative, goofy, confessional, hostile, and yes, sexy. Her voice is as good live as on record, and runs the gamut from quiet to scream-turned-up-to-eleven. No pitch problems, and lots of very pleasing quirks and accents.

The crowd was very into it, the band seemed to appreciate that, and a good time was had by all.

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:28 pm
by stipendlax_Archive
Few songs are ok.

I mean, I wouldn't go out and buy their album, or see them live... or listen to them.

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:55 pm
by rocker654_Archive
Crap Crap Crap

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:29 pm
by dimpfelmoser_Archive
galanter wrote:The crowd was very into it, the band seemed to appreciate that, and a good time was had by all.

Well that was the general feeling I had on the few occasions when I saw them live. I like the first EP and Fever to Tell. Sadly enough they lost it completly with the second album. But still an entertainig live act.

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:38 pm
by readysetrawk_Archive
So many of the replies to this are bulllllllllshit. I have never read in any other topic/poll on here about how ugly guys in bands are. No one ever says Dinasour Jr. is crap (they aren't) because J. Mascis is ugly (he is). If you don't like the music then you don't like the music, and if the members of the band are a-holes then by all means hate the band, but it's not Karen O's job to provide masturbatory fantasies for lame dudes who joined bands because they couldn't pull chicks in the first place.

As far as the clothing thing...come on. I don't really give a shit if a band looks "good". If they can wear something that's halfway interesting/entertaining (David Bowie, xbxrx, Gwar), it's an added bonus. I think it's cool that Karen O has the sense (or the stylist/designer) to sharpie on a fingerless glove and wear demented figure skating costumes, but it doesn't really change what I hear.

THAT SAID, I like the YYYs a fair amount. Admitting my bias, I have a lot of respect for what Nick Zinner does. I also really like the first TV on the Radio album and that whole sound of really harsh music with really soft vocals. I saw YYYs live right after their last record came out - and before I'd heard it - and I enjoyed the show; it was strangely captivating. I like the first album a lot, and the new album is good in a different, tongue-in-cheek sort of way. "Gold Lion," "The Sweets," "Mysteries" and "Way Out" are all good songs from the last one. Not crap.

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:29 pm
by rocker654_Archive
BadComrade wrote:...

She's hideous.

Holy fucking cats! My eyeballs just blew out of their sockets. I thought it was Marilyn Manson at first. Anyone who has masterbatory fantasies about this is one sick puppy.

The music is better than the look, but the music still remains crap.

I need a drink.

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:36 pm
by tutku_Archive
huh! shufitszszsz... Crap!

Band: Yeah Yeah Yeah s

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:02 pm
by Sebastian J_Archive
did I tell you that I saw them here in Argentina? jeez they blowed ... CRAP!