That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:47 pm
by chopjob_Archive
It ain't much, but it's a propos:
Page 2's
Biggest Cheaters In Baseball.
That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:44 am
by hogrot_Archive
How does Sosa not make that list?
That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:20 pm
by eephour_Archive
tipcat wrote:It wasn't dirt. A pitcher of Rogers's stature does not "accidentally" get an admixture of dirt, rosin, and spit on his pitching hand the size of a turd.
I think it was handled well by LaRussa. He didn't make a big stink about it, and the game went on. LaRussa well knows what big league pitchers do, and have done, for over 100 years. And what they do is cheat, often in the most hilarious ways. (Just ask Gaylord Perry.) It's long been documented, if not accepted, as being part of the game. Unethical? Sure. But who cares. It's the big either handle it or get back on the bus to Iowa.
Hooray for cheating.
But lets drag Barry to jail!!
That Shit On Kenny Rodgers Hand
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:14 pm
by Yngwie Einstein_Archive
The difference between pitching with a doctored ball and batting with a doctored body is you still have to learn how to pitch with the stuff. The pitcher still has to learn how to control the movement of a ball with pine tar or suntan lotion or shaving cream on it. The substance itself does not make a crappy pitcher any better if he doesn't know how to pitch with it.
Steroids, on the other hand, can help make a single/doubles hitter into a 500 HR person, although I think Raphael Palmeiro will deny that too.