Dating older woman?

Total votes: 8 (13%)
Total votes: 54 (87%)
Total votes: 62

Act: Dating older woman

My 19 year old brother is having some kind of carnal/romantic relations with a woman of 36. She's weird. It doesn't bother me for any moral reason - I just find her odd. Hope he doesn't fuck her up too much.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Act: Dating older woman

Well, this is an interesting thread!

What happened with your brother?

Heliotropic wrote:I'm twenty with the prospect of having a sexual liaison with an attractive forty two year old woman.

Do you like her, or do you just want to fuck her for the novelty of it?
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

Act: Dating older woman

A friend of mine is dating a woman around 15-20 years older. I have to stop myself from analyzing the situation and just let them have fun. Thing is their needs are very different and although they are both great people I am afraid they'll be walking away from the relationship with hurt feelings. Difference is he'll still be twentysomething and she'll be in her forties. The dating world is a sad sad place and it seems to be pretty rough on women.

Act: Dating older woman

Me: 38
My wife: 51


But, my wife is seriously amazing in the brain, the heart, and the body. She still sings her ass off, smokes, drinks, and loves the shit out of me. When we met I thought she was a few years older than me until I saw her driver's license and it said birthdate 1956! Top that off with: her kids are awesome and in college. We really had no problem with the age issue from the get-go 5 years ago ... sometimes when she's sleeping she looks like she's 16 (Awwwwww ...).

But, that's just me. Lucky.

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