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Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:44 pm
by rocker654_Archive
miseryandthesun wrote:and Henry Rollins is still a stupid cunt

Cunt, yes. Stupid, no. I have read enough of his stuff to know that he does have a brain. I give him credit for a modicum of intelligence.

He did ruin Black Flag, however.

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:35 pm
by cervixFORaHEart_Archive
i heard that henry rollins poops dumbells...a story like that has got to be true.

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:54 pm
by Mark Lansing_Archive
rocker654 wrote:
miseryandthesun wrote:and Henry Rollins is still a stupid cunt

Cunt, yes. Stupid, no. I have read enough of his stuff to know that he does have a brain. I give him credit for a modicum of intelligence.

He did ruin Black Flag, however.

Rollins didn't ruin Black Flag -- Greg Ginn did. He allowed Henry to turn the band into the Rollins show, and kept getting rid of anyone else who had ideas or a personality of their own. In four years, the band went from its most powerful lineup (Ginn/Dukowski/Candena/Biscuits/Rollins), with five equally dynamic and forceful minds, to Greg, Henry and two nonentities who brought nothing musically or intellectually to the group. Ginn also got the unfortunate idea that every bong-inspired bit of guitar mauling he came up with was both genius and a song, so the band's music began to lose anything resembling focus near the end. As much as Henry Rollins annoys anyone with an IQ above room temperature, you can't hang all that on him.

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:13 pm
by rzs_Archive
miseryatndthesun wrote: Come on, guys. Let's sublimate our sexual frustration in sweaty pits with our shirts off :'( :'(.

miseryandthesun wrote:I don't understand why I need this sub-par band for all the things you guys are mentioning when I have minor threat.

i don't understand how you make this criticism of black flag yet not see the same thing in minor threat.
that's what hardcore is- sweaty, shirtless frustrated skinheads. take a look at glen e friedman's books. the bands look as if they could be interchangeable.

despite the superficial similarities, black flag is a much greater band than minor threat.
minor threat sounds like a bunch of whining high school kids calling people out.

the first four years and damaged- not crap

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:13 pm
by rocker654_Archive
I agree with some of your statement, but in my mind the best lineups of Black Flag were:

Keith Morris or Chavo Pederast (Ron Reyes) or Dez Cadena - Vocals
Greg Ginn - Guitar
Chuck Dukowski (Gary McDaniel) - Bass
Robo - Drums

Damaged was a let-down for me for the most part, and everything else they did afterwards I'm not familiar with as I had lost interest. I got the "Six Pack" single when it was a current release, and that's where my history with this band started.

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:27 pm
by interloper_Archive
Pavement fucking sucks.

Pavement fans are like those people who are all gonna grow up and try to erect entire cities out of thrift store clothing.

Warning : Do not take this seriously. I detest Pavement, but regardless....

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:32 pm
by rocker654_Archive
interloper wrote:Pavement fucking sucks.

Pavement fans are like those people who are all gonna grow up and try to erect entire cities out of thrift store clothing.

Warning : Do not take this seriously. I detest Pavement, but regardless....

Hey, quit with the waffling. You were correct in your assessment. Stand and deliver.

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:35 pm
by interloper_Archive
No way man, stop the violence.

The fact that I'd love to superglue that pinhead Steven Milkface's nostrils and mouth shut for eternity while he's made to listen to his own poor poopy panty whimpering is irrelevant.

Stop the violence.

I guess he's not gonna make it for eternity if it's the mouth AND nostrils. Okay, eyes.

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:37 pm
by miseryandthesun_Archive
interloper wrote:Pavement fucking sucks.

Pavement fans are like those people who are all gonna grow up and try to erect entire cities out of thrift store clothing.

Warning : Do not take this seriously. I detest Pavement, but regardless....

i enjoyed this post

Black Flag fucking sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:40 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
I don't really like Pavement that much either, but Slanted & Enchanted is a great record.

The praise that they receive for everything else is irritating though. "Range Life" is also a good song.