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Onstage banter

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:01 pm
by burun_Archive
My favorite stage banter, in recorded form, is from Scorpions WORLDWIDE LIVE.

Every time my occasional bandmates (I usually play solo) introduce me, they always point to me and say "Rudolf Schenker - on geee-tah!" and I never get tired of it.

Onstage banter

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:22 pm
by placeholder_Archive
There are a whole mess of new folks here, now. Maybe these new folks have heard some funny stage banter! I'll quote myself from the Paul Stanley C/NC thread to hopefully get the thread re-started.

placeholder wrote:I'd venture to say [Kiss' Animalize: Live and Uncensored video] has the best stage banter I've ever heard, courtesy of Mr. Paul Stanley. Seriously, if you see this at the video store (or for sale for cheap), do not pass it up, as it contains such gems as (this is from memory, sadly):

"Well ya know, y'all look like a crowd that likes to party! The other day, I decided to visit the doctor, because I had been partyin' just a LITTLE TOO HARD (he's pointin' "downstairs" here). My appointment's at 10:30, but I show up at 10:15, ya understand? I'm in the waitin' room, and in walks this nurse with the BIGGEST TITS I'VE EVER SEEN! (Here, he mimes what I assume are the "biggest tits he's ever seen", WTF? The drummer, I think it's Eric Carr, plays this little drumbeat, and Paul Stanley sashays back and forth across the stage before going back to the mic. Again, WTF?) And I say to her, I say 'come over here, I wanna aaaask you somethin', and when she comes over and leans down, I grab her, and (so help me, he does this thing where his back is turned and he has his arms wrapped around himself, so it looks like he's totally making out with this chick. Ridiculous.). So she says 'Looks like we need to start this exam JUST A LITTLE BIT EARLY'! She says 'Paul, take off your shirt'. (He takes off his shirt. The mostly-male crowd cheers. He is wearing these red pants with all this fringe crap coming off of them and SUSPENDERS) Now I'm wearing my Levi's button-flys, you know, the TIGHT ones? And she reaches up and undoes the first button (reaches over his head, mimes unhooking a button, and makes this popping sound), and the next one, and the next one. She checks her hand to make sure it's not too cold, then she reaches in, and (mimes what would be a firehose-sized appendage)...I said she reaches in and pulls out my..."

And the crowd yells "Love Gun" back, then rockin' and rollin' ensues. This may be the best stage patter I have ever heard, though I admit it really only works when delivered by Mr. Stanley, as mere text cannot convey how dynamic the man is.

Other gems:

"I know that the temperature's been changing a lot lately, and a lot of people are gettin' that ROCK 'N ROLL PNEUMONIA! Time to call Dr. Love!"

"Well ya know, I know why they call Wisconsin the 'Dairy State'! It's 'cause the CHICKS have BIG TITS!"

Need I say it? NOT CRAP.

Mayfair wrote:A favorite on Alive II:

"There are a lot of pretty girls out there tonight! And some of you girls wanna get KISSED! us in the LADIES ROOM!"

Also: "Eric Carr on the drums! Now let me tell you somethin': a lot of people, I should say a lot of GIRLS, wanna take Eric home and 'mother' him. Well, lemme tell ya; he may look like a little boy, but he's ALL MAN!"

Funny stage banter is one of the best things ever. Let's have more!

Onstage banter

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:14 pm
by Rick Reuschel_Archive
We just got back from the Islands. Stony and Blue.

With acknowledgement to JHood.

Onstage banter

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:16 pm
by Angus Jung
placeholder wrote:...but as I've said over and over, funny stage banter is one of my favorite things...

Why do you say things over and over?

-I'm fat

-Peter Hook

-Stage banter

This is your own form of stage banter, maybe.

Onstage banter

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:31 pm
by placeholder_Archive
Angus Jung wrote:Why do you say things over and over?

-I'm fat

-Peter Hook

-Stage banter

This is your own form of stage banter, maybe.

Maybe it is. I'm embarrassed that you noticed this and called me out on it, though. Perhaps I'll start posting less.

You forgot King Diamond. I mention him constantly.

Sorry about that.

Onstage banter

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:56 pm
by Arson Smith_Archive
hstencil wrote:best shutdown ever, from Bill Callahan (king of the anti-banter) to a dude videotaping a Smog show at Fireside:

"It's not a vacation."

Videotaper dude put his camera down after that.

Salut for funny shutdowns!

Here's another that I love to tell: At the last Luna show in Chicago (back in February?), some dude yells out "Season of the Witch!" and immediately Sean leans into the mic and goes "dooka-dooka-doot!" in the exact rhythm and pitch as the shouter - a perfect, wordless mockery - and we all laughed hard and I don't think anyone really yelled requests after that.

Onstage banter

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:56 am
by Chapter Two_Archive
When the Hanson Brothers played London a couple of years ago, this metal head got on stage and tried to stop the band playing in order to shout into Jon Wright’s ear that he’d lost his wedding ring, and to try and get everybody in the crowd to look for it. Wright said: “Imminent divorce!â€

Onstage banter

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:00 am
by Chapter Two_Archive
I saw a band a little while ago here in Middlesbrough, I can't remember what they called themselves, but the singer/guitarist introduced one song like this:

"Not many people know this but my mam's got cancer of the arsehole. This song's dedicated to her."

Onstage banter

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:12 am
by Loretta_Archive
Not so much banter but when EMF performed on telly and were made to mime the guitarists wore boxing gloves and James the lead singer would talk to the crowd away from the mike during the vocals and come back for the instrumentals. They just didnt care.

Oasis used to swap instruments and vocals if they had to mime as well.

Onstage banter

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:08 am
by knives_Archive
"We've just come back from a tour of the states......Chelmsley Wood estate, Castle Vale estate...." - They're very working class areas of Birmingham. I dont know if you say "estate" in America (and mean the same thing), but basically it's a bunch of council houses. You probably dont know what the council is either but oh well.

i just choked on my cereal. i live in birmingham and play in a band this has just been knicked for my own on stage banter routines. what band is it you play in mate?