The First Band You Really Liked, Honestly

The Beatles were the first rock band I'd ever really listened to. I first got an album of theirs in fifth grade. Fifth fucking grade. So, relatively, I am a latecomer to rock. I've certainly tried making up for that with compulsively listening to every record I can get my hands on and yet there are still classic records like Tommy that I've still never listened to. I only started really listening to CCR a couple days ago.

The first band I was fanatical about was Pink Floyd. I started with Animals. It blew my fucking mind off my shoulders then and still remains my favorite Floyd album outside of Piper at the Gates of Dawn - and I hated that when I first heard it. Only song I thought had a half-decent riff was "Interstellar Overdrive." Forgive me, I was in tenth grade and everyone else was into Limp Bizkit. I was terminally uncool in a school full of dorks. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

The First Band You Really Liked, Honestly

The first two albums I got were Pyromania and Thriller when I was a wee lad of maybe 9 years?

However, I never reall y liked them. Even up 'til 6th grade I was never crazy about music. Then one day in the seventh grade my friend gave me two cassette that his mom was making him get rid of because she didn't want them in the house. They were the Dead Milkmen "Big Lizard in My Backyard" and PIL "Live in Tokyo."

That's the first time I really remember hearing music and having it mean anything.

Ben Adrian

Edit: Duh Van Halen, 1984. I used to jump around to that album holding a broom.
Last edited by benadrian_Archive on Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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