EA ers: Post your tattoos

Steve V. wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:
eliya wrote:I have no problem going with the same shirt for something like ten or fifteen years, you know, a shirt that I really like. I'll wear it everyday, thinking how great this shirt is. There's a chance though, that after 15 years, I'll feel like changing this shirt, I don't know, I don't like it anymore, I think it's stupid. "Oasis? I can't believe I even liked them!"
"this picture of some naked lady holding a rotten apple is just not doing it for me anymore" "this 'finger' print isn't as cool as it was back in the day, I remember how no one dared to wear this shirt back then". So Im deciding to change my shirt, Im choosing myself a new shirt, and coming to take the one im wearing off. shit, it doesn't come off! maybe that's because of
the sweat? I don't smell though..

same things with tattoos.

Right. Because no symbol, memory, or sentiment is enduring. Everything's just a t-shirt or bumper sticker!

If you hate a tattoo, look at it like a disgusting scar you may have gotten from a nasty car accident.

Actually, I have no problems with tattoos on others, I even like some people because they have tattoos. I definitely don't look at it as a scar.

Steve V. wrote:Fine, you hate tattoos. Guess that's why you have none.

Dude, you're bright!

Steve V. wrote:Maybe I'll hate it when I'm 30. Fuck it. I don't live my life wondering what I'll feel like in twenty years.

That's why you guys are stuck with G.W Bush.
(and if any wise ass is going to mention that we're stuck with Olmert - that's because we're jewish)

EA ers: Post your tattoos

eliya wrote:I'll feel like changing this shirt, I don't know, I don't like it anymore, I think it's stupid. "Oasis? I can't believe I even liked them!"
"this picture of some naked lady holding a rotten apple is just not doing it for me anymore" "this 'finger' print isn't as cool as it was back in the day

Dude, I think it's time to get some new shirts. Kus emek these tasteless shirts!

EA ers: Post your tattoos

Rodabod wrote:
eliya wrote:I'll feel like changing this shirt, I don't know, I don't like it anymore, I think it's stupid. "Oasis? I can't believe I even liked them!"
"this picture of some naked lady holding a rotten apple is just not doing it for me anymore" "this 'finger' print isn't as cool as it was back in the day

Dude, I think it's time to get some new shirts. Kus emek these tasteless shirts!


for the record, I don't have any of these t-shirts.

EA ers: Post your tattoos

Ty Webb wrote:
H-GM wrote:
Minotaur029 wrote:Also, 50 bucks to the first black person/minority to post their tattoo. Haha. We're so Aryan...

I'm getting one on my dick that reads "KOSHER."

So you're wearing a turtleneck and not a cardigan?

What do you think I'm some kind of freak? I just want it to be eaten during lent.

EA ers: Post your tattoos

eliya wrote:
Rodabod wrote:
eliya wrote:for the record, I don't have any of these t-shirts.

Good. I still think you should get rid of this one though:


They're just not cool anymore. Sorry.

What?! that's the coolest shirt ever! too bad it's cream.
These wolves are CUTE!

Its flesh tone! For us whiteys at least. Fake wolf tattoo!

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