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Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:01 am
by unarmedman_Archive
Which one was in Wayne's World?

'nuff said.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:46 am
by carpe_diaz_Archive
KeithV wrote:And, yeah...

Regarding Mr. Cooper's political orientation... I could care less, but he's pretty much maintained that "Alice" is his alter ego anyway. He slips in and out of the routine. Vince is the son of a preacher man, and therefore is now a golfer with a program to help youths get in touch with Jesus. But, then he can go do Alice Cooper and it's a whole differerent ball game. Get it?

Word. It's showbiz. And at my age consistency is more important than agreement. I'm happy to disagree with you today as long as I can be relative certain that I'll disagree with you tomorrow. It took me a long time to separate the artist from the art, but here we am. Cassavetes, Polanski anyone?

That said, Cooper's music and act crush that other kid, hands down, assuming that's what we're talking about. As faux as Cooper may appear/sound these days he was pretty original in his day. And he sincerely scared the unwashed, I vividly remember my uncle knocking the shit out of my cousin for humming an AC tune while we were picking tobacco. ~73ish.

Scared me to death, this dudes songs make you bleed out your ears, fuck that.

Seriously, did Manson ever really scare anyone?

Plus, weren't Cooper's first 3 or 4 records live? Big points there.

Waffle for MM being the most articulate interviewee in "Bowling for Columbine". Should come as no surprise though that intelligent people can make shitty, unoriginal music, but I really appreciated his thoughts there. Seemed like a pretty real person in spite of his showbiz.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:45 am
by zom-zom_Archive
The Alice Cooper Band also appears in "Diary of a Mad Houswife", a great movie worth seeing on it's own.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:55 am
by tommydski_Archive
Avec Ex-Mrs. Neil Young, non?

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:40 am
by KeithV_Archive
zom-zom wrote:The Alice Cooper Band also appears in "Diary of a Mad Houswife", a great movie worth seeing on it's own.

Yeah, I have that clip and it's great! I haven't seen the whole film, but I'd like to...

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:45 am
by zom-zom_Archive
Richard Benjamin is so cool.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:51 am
by ChristopherM_Archive
Thanks to this thread I have been "rocking out" to Alice Cooper NON STOP for the last two days.

My wife is going to kill me.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:26 am
by Mark Hansen_Archive
I really need to dig out my copies of Pretties for you and Easy Action. I never really listened to them much, I got them much much later (maybe early 90's), so I never listened to them very much. I purchased Love It To Death, Killer, School's Out, Billion Dollar Babies and Muscle Of Love at the time they were originally released, and I think the songs off of those albums (with the exception of Muscle of Love) are now part of my genetic code.

Muscle Of Love is ok, but not anywhere near as good as the others.

With the things people are saying here about Pretties and Action, I really need to dig into those albums more.

Whoever said it, I think you're right, Elected was one of the best singles of the time period. Funny funny lyrics.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:28 am
by zom-zom_Archive
I've got a decent recording of the Alice Cooper Band live a the Whisky from 1969, maybe I'll dig it out and have it available on the internets. It's really weird, great stuff.

At the beginning Alice says in a sarcastic tone: "Another fun night."

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:29 am
by zom-zom_Archive
Mark Hansen wrote:
With the things people are saying here about Pretties and Action, I really need to dig into those albums more.

Whoever said it, I think you're right, Elected was one of the best singles of the time period. Funny funny lyrics.

You realize that "Elected" was first written/recorded as "Reflected" on Pretties for You? Same song, different lyrics.