John George Peppers wrote:It's rare, but it does happen. Someone hands you a beer or you deside to try a new brand/flavor and it's terrible.
Fuck Sam Adams. I have never once tried a Sam Adams beer that I enjoy.
They're always pushing the Boston Lager, which is totally average, but I remember liking the Boston Ale quite a bit. That was the only Sam Adams brand beer I cared for.
I always really hated Budweiser, too. Even when I drank very heavily, two Budweisers could give me a headache. Not sure why--Bud Light did not have the same effect on me, and I was fond of strong beer, from Guinness and Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout to Colt 45 or even Schlitz Malt Liquor.
I never liked Molson Golden either.
Cheap bears I hated (I use the past tense because I quite drinking almost 13 years ago):
Black Label
Iron City
Old German
Red, White, and Blue
I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting.
Hamms and Schaefer, as I recall, weren't so much bad as they were so weak that it was impossible to get drunk. I clearly remember drinking 30 Schaefers once and thinking, "What the fuck? I'm not even drunk yet."
But the all-time worst beer I've ever had is Blatz Light, my dad's preferred brand in the twilight years of his alcoholism. He prided himself on how reviled it was--because nobody ever bummed beers off of him. "I'll drink what I bring" was his credo.
I came home totally wasted one time in high school and apparently cracked open one of Dad's Blatz Lights. I got yelled at the next morning at breakfast--not for being drunk but for having the audacity to open a beer, take one sip, and replace it in the fridge. How could I
waste a precious Blatz Light.
They stopped making Blatz Light sometime in the nineties. I'm sure my father was singlehandedly keeping them in business by that point.