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Beer that you dislike

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:39 pm
by NerblyBear_Archive

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:46 pm
by DrAwkward_Archive
Mandroid2.0 wrote:I do like the Spotted Cow. When I used to bartend in Green Bay, it was one of the beers on tap, so a couple of pints of that was often times my supper. That, or 2 Black and Tans. One night, I created the Black and Hamm's.

At Comet Cafe in Milwaukee they serve the Mad Cow--Spotted Cow and Guinness. SO TASTY.

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:49 pm
by chet_Archive
A lot of Canadian beer is weird or bad. Lots of weird French beer here.

Molson Ex is pretty bad.

Thats funny that Marsup actually likes Steel Reserve. Maybe if I put some of my patented bottled urine on Ebay you'll be interested...

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:49 pm
by Brett Eugene Ralph_Archive
John George Peppers wrote:It's rare, but it does happen. Someone hands you a beer or you deside to try a new brand/flavor and it's terrible.

Fuck Sam Adams. I have never once tried a Sam Adams beer that I enjoy.

They're always pushing the Boston Lager, which is totally average, but I remember liking the Boston Ale quite a bit. That was the only Sam Adams brand beer I cared for.

I always really hated Budweiser, too. Even when I drank very heavily, two Budweisers could give me a headache. Not sure why--Bud Light did not have the same effect on me, and I was fond of strong beer, from Guinness and Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout to Colt 45 or even Schlitz Malt Liquor.

I never liked Molson Golden either.

Cheap bears I hated (I use the past tense because I quite drinking almost 13 years ago):

Black Label
Iron City
Old German
Red, White, and Blue

I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting.

Hamms and Schaefer, as I recall, weren't so much bad as they were so weak that it was impossible to get drunk. I clearly remember drinking 30 Schaefers once and thinking, "What the fuck? I'm not even drunk yet."

But the all-time worst beer I've ever had is Blatz Light, my dad's preferred brand in the twilight years of his alcoholism. He prided himself on how reviled it was--because nobody ever bummed beers off of him. "I'll drink what I bring" was his credo.

I came home totally wasted one time in high school and apparently cracked open one of Dad's Blatz Lights. I got yelled at the next morning at breakfast--not for being drunk but for having the audacity to open a beer, take one sip, and replace it in the fridge. How could I waste a precious Blatz Light.

They stopped making Blatz Light sometime in the nineties. I'm sure my father was singlehandedly keeping them in business by that point.

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:55 pm
by japmn_Archive
Colonel Panic wrote:
Blue Moon "Belgian White". Trendy crap.

The Cooking wine of beers. Undrinkable but great to cook with.

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:59 pm
by Brett Eugene Ralph_Archive
I forgot Little Kings--"the official beer of Squirrel Bait." But as I liked to remind them, it's not even beer, it's "cream ale." Little Queens, I liked to call it--with a 10 oz. bottle roughly the size of a dick.

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:06 am
by eva03_Archive
Sam Adams, Corona any type of Budweiser, just about any IPA.
I don't know why everyone hates on Milwaukee's Best I think that shit is great it taste a hell of alot better than PBR.

Oh and I love this.

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:11 am
by eva03_Archive
Sock OR Muffin? wrote:I really like Brooklyn Brown but if I have more than one bottle it equals an instant hangover. One bottle, fine. 1.5 bottles, raging headache.

I dislike Sweetwater 420 and Genny Cream Ale.

Are you from Atlanta or does Sweetwater get distributed outside of Georgia?

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:19 am
by Cunningham_Archive

Worst beer ever. Got a big bottle tonight before practice. It was disgusting. That beer makes me want to stop drinking. Then again, I did spend my afternoon at the Stone brewery beer garden.

Does the green bottle make a difference? I don't like Rolling Rock either.

Beer that you dislike

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:03 am
by Mazec_Archive
Heineken is pretty bad, you're right. Even a lot of Dutch people contend that it's all marketing that has made it such a big player on the international market.

In terms of German beers, I have made a conclusion that surprises many people: The Bavarian style of helles (meaning "light", as in "blonde", not like "Miller Lite") gives me terrible fucking headaches, even while I'm drinking.

Doesn't matter too much what brand: Augustiner, Eichhofener, Kneitinger, etc., etc.

All of them taste pretty good. But if you get a headache after two or three beers, in my book, that's a dislikable beer.

BTW, I've had similar experiences with Bell's Amber Ale.