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air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:26 am
by Foldyourarmsandsaynah_Archive
Ayn Rand enthusiasts.

Isn't most of this board devoted to stuff like this though? This thread title should be "Everything we ever talked about before."

Shit I'm pretty sure Ayn Rand was one.

Fuck it.

air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:27 am
by enframed_Archive
jetta drivers
short people who are insecure about it
men who speak affectedly in a deep voice to give an air of authority
the entitled (see baby boomers)
the "new money" rich
public blue tooth headset wearers
hummer drivers
saturn drivers
pontiac drivers (unless it's a 70's trans am/firebird)
people who listen to techno really loud while driving
women who measure their food in cups and/or eat out of measuring cups
people who dislike giving or receiving oral sex
people who look like their dogs
people who are too emotionally attached to their pets

air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:36 am
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Boombats wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:hey, I have no criminal record! fuck off!

dontfeartheringo wrote:define "criminal record."

I have made a couple that were pretty bad.

I mean those with no record who act like they're fucking geniuses. People who have by chance or by choice nover done (or been caught for) anything illegal and don't understand what it really means to get caught up in the shytstem.

This was a little joke about bad bands I have played with, but the arcane term "records" may have thrown you off. Back when the earth was still cooling, we had these big platters of vinyl that played music.... damnedest thing you ever saw, but never mind that now...

air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:43 am
by scott_Archive
Rick, I'm not interested in your attention. I wish you never addressed me again. I thought we agreed on that, that we'd leave each other alone? I know I did, I thought it was pretty clear.

I wasn't talking to you, at you, or about you. I was staying entirely on-topic for this thread, and talking about my prejudices, generalizations I have about groups of people, sharing my thoughts, my opinions, whatnot. I'm fairly confident that you are a fucking mental case. You will notice I didn't say anything about fucking mental cases in my post, therefore you can rest assured I wasn't talking to you, at you, or about you.

Can you just try and stay on-topic in interesting threads that have nothing to do with you? Please don't derail them and make them about you. Please stop with your bullshit. OR, conversely, step it up a few notches, because maybe then you'll become enough of a nuisance that you'll get banned, if you start spreading your bullshit into threads that should have nothing to do with you and your bullshit. That would be great, too, either way.

So can you try really hard and please not do this kinda stuff in the threads that you didn't start? And can you please stop focusing on me? It's really, really getting creepy at this point, which is part of why I asked you to leave me alone days ago.

Thank you.

air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:45 am
by Colonel Panic_Archive
I too am irritated by drug takers who talk a lot about drugs, but also by ex-users who find it necessary to preach incessantly about it.

I'm also irritated by people who think getting fucked-up is a test of their manhood or their mettle or something idiotic like that. No, climbing a mountain is a test of strength and endurance. Dropping 15 hits of LSD in one sitting is just idiotic.

People who are quick to resort to violence as a solution to any problem.

People who, during light-hearted conversation/banter, reply to other people's jests with a loud "No!" then go off on their own variation on the theme.

People who don't bathe regularly.

Zealots (including religious types, members of specific political parties or ideologies, chauvinists or any others who are unable to think outside a prescribed paradigm of somebody else's creation)

People who are unable to admit when they're wrong, or apologize for their own wrongdoings.

Bigots who discriminate by ethnicity, gender, religious creed, or sexual orientation.

Self-righteous hippies (if you wish to smoke dope all day, bathe in patchouli oil and dress like an anachronistic slob, then go for it but don't pretend you're saving the universe or doing anything more than following a self-delusional, out-of-date social trend).

Self-righteous vegans (if you choose to eschew eating meat, that's fine but don't tell me that I'm immoral or that my body wasn't made to digest meat or something like that).

air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:49 am
by scott_Archive
And real quick, it looks like a lot of people are mostly just listing things, rather than prejudices. Like, "hockey" is a thing, but "hockey players are all a bunch of assholes with something to prove" is a prejudice. Is it safe to assume that all of the lists of things that people are putting up are expressing the prejudice of "i think that all [that thing] suck"? These are lists of things against which the poster has a miscellaneous negative prejudgement?

air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:58 am
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Foldyourarmsandsaynah wrote:Ayn Rand enthusiasts.

earlier, I wrote:Libertarians. Give me a break. You people are insane. I am supposed to trust the Captains of Industry with the welfare of the country? FUCK YOU. Capitalism has done SUCH A GREAT JOB making sure I have good health care/protecting the environment/rebuilding Iraq. Don't even start arguing with me. Shut the fuck up. Write a letter to Santa instead, you idiot child.

Same cloth, different cut.

See, also, Bob the Angry Flower.


air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:12 pm
by MWilke_Archive
- High School kids are the biggest assholes in the world.

- Republicans have no intellectual curiosity.

- Never work musically with a white guy that has dreads. (This one courtesy of Heather)

- Red line and Green line trains have more litter than the Brown and Blue lines.

- Flaming gay men age 17-35 have identical personalities to 15 year old white girls from Beverly Hills. They just have an ironic element going for them that hides this.

- Actors are no one's close friend.

- People who grew up rich or middle class LOVE South Park and dead baby humor.

air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:22 pm
by Boombats_Archive
dontfeartheringo wrote:This was a little joke about bad bands I have played with, but the arcane term "records" may have thrown you off. Back when the earth was still cooling, we had these big platters of vinyl that played music.... damnedest thing you ever saw, but never mind that now...

Whups. I did think the term "made a few" was odd in relation to crimes, but I suppose you could have been talking about rotten turds.

air your prejudices

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:25 pm
by OneFiveFour_Archive
families with more than 3-4 kids.

and i'm feeling a little generous today, 2 should really be the limit..