Working stiffs: Please reveal one industry secret

iembalm wrote:
The Code is Almighty wrote:Measure twice = cut once

Or as my brother the electrician would put it...."check twice, die not at all."

Yeah...and don't touch stuff with the palm of your hand. Use the back of your hand. When you're electrocuted, your hand will close into a fist onto the wire/pipe/whatever, and you will be frozen to the thing that is electrocuting you.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

Working stiffs: Please reveal one industry secret

You can generally get free AA and AAA batteries from places that develop film photos. They are removed from disposable cameras and saved for recycling. They are usually somewhat used, but they are also free.

When taking flash photos of people wearing glasses, have them angle their frames behind their ears so that they are pointed slightly downward. For similar reasons, always photograph paintings at museums from an angle. Do you people have any idea how many photos of famous works of art with a glowing orb of light in the center I've seen?

Scratches on film can sometimes be fixed or at least made less noticeable on a photo print by rubbing some of the grease from the area between your nose and eye over the scratched film.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Working stiffs: Please reveal one industry secret

When you check out Kroger, you can use ANY manufacturer's coupon to reduce the total, even if you don't actually have that item. Of course, I never bothered to check if the person checking out has that item but I'm sure there are cashiers that do. So find the one that looks like he/she doesn't give a shit about their job.

Unless they changed something in the past six months, many of the coupons will not scan correctly even if there is the correct item correlating to the coupon item, so cashiers get in to the habit of pressing CLEAR - OVERRIDE - ENTER for every coupon that doesn't scan, no questions asked.

Aside from inner-city Krogers or stores in high-crime areas, security consists of a television in the manager's office. The manager can control the camera views but hardly ever does... mostly just to watch cashiers. Also, by the customer service desk there's usually a sign with the picture of the manager and the supervisors. The manager is often on the floor doing various things, so if you see the person in the picture on the floor then you're fine to fill your pockets.

Working stiffs: Please reveal one industry secret

If you see water coming from your ceiling don't run in circles going "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck". Grab a ladder and poke several holes in the ceiling to allow the water to drain into a bin. This will save you a lot of money in repairs and also keeps the whole ceiling from falling on your head or the heads of loved ones.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.


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