EA Homepage " Welcome"

I still think the equipment and staff/alumni pages should be updated before something as nitpicky as the comma usage or phrasing of a sentence that expresses its point lucidly enough.

In the process of putting equipment up? That shit hasn't been updated in forever and actually includes stuff that was sold years ago. The Orange and Sovtek amps that were sold still appear on the equipment page. The picture of available guitars has at least a couple Velenos and a Bean that were sold, too.

Chad hasn't been in Tijuana Hercules for years now, and though his section was updated to reflect that, John Forbes' still says he's in a band with Chad. Chris Hansen is the guitarist in Pinebender, not Matt Clark; Matt's not even in Pinebender anymore as of 2002, he plays in White/Light with Jeremy Lemos. Chris Manfrin and Brian Orchard are both in Bottomless Pit.

That's just the stuff I can identify. There's gotta be more stuff that I'm not even aware of.

Commas indeed!
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

EA Homepage " Welcome"

There's nothing wrong with the original sentence.

"Electrical Audio is a two-studio complex located in Chicago, Illinois and owned by Steve Albini."

Nothing wrong with this. If you take out the "and" and insert a comma, it will be grammatically incorrect.

There isn't even a "which is" between "complex" and "located," which would have made the sentence a tad cumbersome. Good, concise writing.
Gay People Rock

EA Homepage " Welcome"

tmidgett wrote:
pwalshj wrote:"Electrical Audio is a two-studio complex, owned by Steve Albini, located in Chicago, Illinois."

Gnight, dorks.

As style, I don't like that sentence.

At its root, the comma signifies a pause. Three of them in one sentence is unfortunate, unless they are necessary.

I agree. I was always taught that the sentence should work if you remove the additional information inside the two commas but the third comma just makes it clumsy.

I preferred Rachi's myself but I was trying to work with the existing text (and dip my dick in the honeypot). ;-)
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.


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