how we live like damn hell ass kings.
61Gramsci wrote:I love cooking. I really take time to read a recipe, go and my the food at a good market and happily spend hours fussing over the preparation... But if I'm living like damn hell ass king (what the fuck does this mean?) I go to a good butcher and buy an inch thick piece of sirloin and pan fry that fucker after solid seasoning and a good rubdown of olive oil... On the side I'll fry from onions and add a little red wine and flour to make a sauce; boil some good, small potatoes and and a mash with the skins on, milk, salt and butter...Then I throw on some Coltrane site my ass down with a bottle of decent Argentine Malbec or New Zealand Pinot Noir and eat the bastard.i eat it rare, bloody as hell.King Grammy.Goddang that sounds kingly...and not far off from the way I do a steak.Never had any Kiwi Pinots though. Anything you'd recommend?