inane things that people talk to you about

I really hate when the one lady at the bank is always like, "So... working hard, or hardly working?"

And she's not saying in an 'isn't it stupid when people say this ha ha ha' way (which would still be annoying). She's saying it in a 'so, are you actually working hard or hardly working' way. I try to respond, "Working hard" in a sort of 'of course I'm working hard, what else would I be doing' kind of way, which I hope discourages her from this kind of inane banter in the future.

Yes, those inane things people say...

inane things that people talk to you about

So is saying a last farewell and making a whole big hoopla about how yr about to ignore someone a written step in preserving mental health? I can only hope so cause imagine if someone said something that was ACTUALLY revolting or offensive -- oh the pocket protector panic attacks that might ensue. Get over it dorks, if you can't handle being called a nerd (did you go to 1st grade, or what? at what point did "nerd" turn into "cock-sucking cumwhore"?) then you need to start thinkin' real REAL hard about the army.

inane things that people talk to you about

I really hate when the one lady at the bank is always like, "So... working hard, or hardly working?"

I used to drop of mailings to the loading dock of the post-office once a week and the same postal worker would ask me this question Linus presents every week, sometimes twice. In these instances I temporarliy felt like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day and the more I can genuinely feel like Bill Murray the better.

My old man is uncanny in regards to digging up a new one-liner of this nature each time I see him. I think he has a book or something. In these instances I consistently feel like one of the sons of Tim "the toolman" Taylor and the more I can feel like I have some legitamacy to the toolman the better.

I can't decide which is better/worse; a consistent acquaintance that repeatedly spurts out statement of afforementioned quality, or a loved one that lets a different campy one-liner fly with each encounter.

Perhaps the real losers here are the words 'campy' and the realm de crap they desribe.

inane things that people talk to you about

Um, "Listening to Someone Else's Dream: Chapter One"

Listening to other people's dreams sucks so much. Do people really think other people will be interested? It usually goes something like this:

"So me, Jason, and my high school english teacher were in this parade or something --- but it wasn't like a normal parade! Nobody was having any fun --- oh wait! -- you were there! You were like, punching something. Then the crowd disappeared all of a sudden and I started running..." this rambling goes on for 5 minutes.

When someone starts this, I zone out, nod, and start saying "Oh, Really" and "Woah" like I'm from Blossom or something.

Only one person in the history of mankind has been able to talk about a dream that they had in a captivating way -- and they got their own day named after them! Unless you have a day named after you, you have a duty to society to not go on and on to others about your dream. Before you start telling people about your dream you should think about the whole dream and summarize it in one sentance. For instance this dream I had a couple of weeks ago:

"Kindergarten Cop era Arnold Schwarzenegger was chasing me in this really cool mall"

Yes! this was short and to the point. This is how others should talk about their dreams when they feel compelled to.

inane things that people talk to you about

preach on my brother!
I fucking hate listening to other people's dreams. they think they are taking me on a breathtaking journey through their imagination but really i am dreaming myself while they ramble on.
have you ever been caught up in a GROUP of people talking dream crap? that is terrible. just when you think its over someone chimes in:
Oh yeah! One time i dreamt....
shut up

a little off subject but.................why is it that you cannot be as justified for being tired as someone else. for example:
person 1- I am really fucking tired.
asshole 1- me too. what time did you get up? I only got 4 minutes and 36 seconds of sleep last night
person 1- I got up at 7a.m. and did a bunch of errands.
assbastard 1 again- I got up at 4:30a.m. to polish my tired trophys.
person 1(usually me)- thats cool I guess. I will go talk to someone who needs less attention in a day.

there are many things that people talk about that drive me insane. this man at my work uses technical electrical jargon that I don't understand and I explain to him that I know he must be a huge genius to know what he knows but he can drop the shit so I can understand him. fuck him. pig bastard.

inane things that people talk to you about

this is sort of tangential, but why the fuck do people (you don't really know in the first place) insist on asking meaningless personal questions while you're walking past them (most notably at the workplace)!? "how's it going?" "how ya doin'?" if things were not going well and i were in fact feeling like shit to answer their question truthfully would make them uncomfortable and i'd be looked down upon for answering the question they asked in the first place...and besides, what sort of a question is that to ask someone IN PASSING? (especially in the restroom...ESPECIALLY standing at the urinal...) i really can't stand small talk with people i don't know anyway...i just don't have anything to's not animosity, it's just that should i try to think of a worthwhile response to a stranger nothing would come to my mind...and making the effort is futile and a bit annoying...even trying to be polite would come off as disinterested and bothered...but anyhow, if people feel the need to say something to everyone that walks past them why not "hello" or "hey"? it keeps the mouth moving and the air flowing without imposing questions you don't want answered and don't have the time to be answered in the first place...of course not saying anything at all would be just fine by me...with friends and people i KNOW it's different...well, i guess i've said enough...

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