I really hate when the one lady at the bank is always like, "So... working hard, or hardly working?"
I used to drop of mailings to the loading dock of the post-office once a week and the same postal worker would ask me this question Linus presents every week, sometimes twice. In these instances I temporarliy felt like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day and the more I can genuinely feel like Bill Murray the better.
My old man is uncanny in regards to digging up a new one-liner of this nature each time I see him. I think he has a book or something. In these instances I consistently feel like one of the sons of Tim "the toolman" Taylor and the more I can feel like I have some legitamacy to the toolman the better.
I can't decide which is better/worse; a consistent acquaintance that repeatedly spurts out statement of afforementioned quality, or a loved one that lets a different campy one-liner fly with each encounter.
Perhaps the real losers here are the words 'campy' and the realm de crap they desribe.