Dr Tony Balls wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:37 am
In the case of tube production a lot of that is tooling. A 6L6GC could easily be made in the US but if there arent mothballed plants available in which to do such a thing, then you've got a lot of cost sunk into tooling up a new plant for that.
Sure but I think in the case of what I'm proposing for those high-cost, low-numbers tubes would be a lot less like an assembly line and a lot more like extremely-limited-run prototypes. Like 12AX7 or 6L6? Sure. Probably one million amps out there using these tubes.
But we know that there were ever only < 7000 U47s/U48s ever made & by now the number existing & functioning is certainly even smaller. With things like 3d printing I would think the world should be close to having what would be needed for a small place to be able to create a few and go? Like if they were able to create 1000/year and sell at $1000 each...that just became a million dollar business.
Anyway, I hope for the audio world that Western Electric or someone takes up this call. I'm not a person who is profit-driven but businesses are and as Steve stated, money is being left on the table for someone who can figure this out.