Little details from your day

ironyengine wrote:So is there a case to be made here that the popularity of "screamo" music is largely the product of alien abduction? I think this deserves further investigation.

That could be it. Of course, it could also very well be all the teenagers wearing tight women's pants and trying badly to act like ladies. Or maybe the tight-clothes wearing kids are ripe pickings for the aliens. That would only partly explain the dancing.
amybugbee wrote:We put out this movie 'CLUB SATAN: The Witches Sabbath'

Little details from your day

I spent a good part of yesterday reading and flopping about in the sun near the Lake Shore path, as is my Sunday tradition.

For the past two months, I have regularly seen a shirtless man who is definitely north of 70 finish a run with a very peculiar exercise routine. He does fierce karate moves. He'll throw a rickety round-kick, punctuated with a breathy, Grandpa Simpson "ha!", toss off a warbly throat chop and then hold a stance for a bit. Then he advances forward leading with his forearms and throwing more creaky kicks.

He seems to always be fending of an attacker approaching from behind.

He is awesome.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Little details from your day

Walking to work yesterday morning from the train station, I found myself jolted from my usual semi-conscious a.m. state by an annoying voice shouting "Hello!! Hello!!".

"Who the bastarding hell is that, and what do they want?" I wondered furiously, "can't they see that I am in the depths of a foul mood, and I wish to speak to nobody until it's absolutely necessary?"

"Alright?! Hello!", the peculiar voice repeated.

Finally I resigned myself to turning and acknowledging the frustrating interloper and was relieved to find that it was merely a bright green parrot perched atop an old man's shoulder.
Last edited by Champion Rabbit on Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

Little details from your day

The sun was a pale moon-like disc through blue-grey clouds on the way to work this morning. It felt like the first day of autumn. This followed on nicely from last night, which felt like the first night of autumn; I got spooked by some things an artist named Barney was telling me about subterranian weirdness in our town. Isn't it strange when you meet someone who - without a trace of 'know-it-all' - seems to know all the secrets? Could have listened to him all night. I was the only one of the five of us who wasn't smoking pot, yet I was the most spooked. That was strange. Walking home there was a weird old guy behind me and the air smelt of fire. Autumn.

This morning I apologised to one of my colleagues for being weird the night before, saying that sometimes things just have to be said. She said that it wasn't weird and that it's nice to be told nice things.

Just now another colleague came in and told me that last night he put his mobile phone up his girlfriend. Cheers Kev.

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