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Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:31 pm
by only here_Archive

Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:14 pm
by miseryandthesun_Archive
Is there such thing as a 'Ball gag microphone'?

That would be a cool toy.

Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:39 pm
by Rotten Tanx_Archive
Your Questions, Rotten Tanx Ignores

Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:01 pm
by Andrew L_Archive

Crucifix NG (Next Generation) is the principal work of the Faith-Based Electronics Group at the Interactive Televangelist Program (ITP). Crucifix NG is a printed electronic circuit board in the shape of a crucifix. This handheld, wall-mountable device houses a battery-operated transmitter that broadcasts an ASCII, non-denominational version of the Lord's Prayer at 916 megahertz. (916 has no numerological significance - it is simply a function of the availability of low-cost transmission chips within this FCC license-free bandwidth.)

Many people affix crucifixes and other religious iconography to the walls of their homes for metaphysical security. Crucifix NG goes a step further, bathing a physical space in an anointed electromagnetism. The signal is strong enough to fill the average size room, perfect for use at home or at the office, and is received by any object that acts as an antenna. As electronic objects may be the strongest antennas within range, believers will see a marked improvement in the security of their devices, both at the software and hardware levels, whether the device in question is a cell phone, portable music player, or computer.

The power of Crucifix NG is even stronger when one considers that the human body itself is an effective antenna. While we are not tuned to perceive electromagnetic signals at 916 Mhz, our body receives these signals nonetheless. In a gallery context, all people within range of the signal receive the Lord's Prayer, their bodies imbued with an anointed electromagnetism, and it is beyond their ability to accept or reject this transmission. It simply happens to them. And as the transmission is entirely invisible, the only evidence of it is noted on the placard next to the device. Even then, the gallery visitor has no verifiable way of knowing that the signal is being either transmitted or received. After all, it is a faith-based initiative. The battery will eventually run out. And it may not matter.

Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:03 pm
by Andrew L_Archive
Good Taipei Bakeries?

Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:19 pm
by connor_Archive
Boobies or Boobs or Bodacious Tatas?

Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:16 am
by DefinitelyNOTtheSWEDE_Archive
Your questions, Matthew's an asshole

Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:28 am
by Major_Archive
Jamming Your Spouse

Annoying friends you don't have to put up with because they live in North with more pictures...fuckface

That thing? About Jesus walking on water? Yeah, that was bullshit...

Free IKEA Emoticons for Porn Sites in China


Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:24 am
by stewie_Archive

Seriously Compressing the Dumbshit

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:28 am
by Eksvplot_Archive
connor wrote:Boobies or Boobs or Bodacious Tatas?

Bodacious Tatas. hands down.