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Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:48 pm
by Pure L_Archive
dontfeartheringo wrote:The primer was kilz2, which I thought, it being a latex primer, would be less noxious in a closed space. Wrong, so wrong.

Called "kilz" for a reason!

Extremely jealous here.

Let's see pix!

Little details from your day

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:52 pm
by chet_Archive
madmanmunt wrote:
DNA Concept wrote:
Skronk wrote:Did the host of the party invite her? You might be able to figure this out with the right contacts. Good luck.

It was a loft show/DJ thing (Pas Chic Chic [ex-godspeed], Megasoid [Sixtoo & Hadji of Wolf Parade], among other awesomeness) that was packed to the gills with various folk, so working back through the hosts wouldn't be fruitful. However it's a small neighbourhood and I am not without my resources, so I'm far from despondent. Thanks for the encouragement.

It's Montreal, man. You'll end up bumping in to her soon enough. Her best friend/brother/neighbour probably knows one your circle.

Hell, her best friend/brother/neighbour might even know me...

My friends went to this show actually.

It is indeed a small world after all.

What did this girl look like? Anything that would make her stand out? One of us on here probably knows her.

I'm sure you'll run into her again. I always run into people when I'm out and about daily. It's almost impossible not to. Don't get discouraged! This has happened to me before in this city, and I usually see them again.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:39 am
by yaledelay_Archive
that damned fly wrote:band practice.

my band will be better than yours.

on this board, with talk like that your band better be good...

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:50 am
by Tommy Alpha_Archive
visiting my aunt from Seattle who's over this side of the pond. Always fun. Like typical Londoners were taking her to the Tate Modern to gawp at a massive crack in the floor!

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:29 am
by Benny_Archive
sleept about 3 hours yesterday. i'm okay, not very sleepy but feeling a bit "weird". i'm feeling a bit 'angry', destructive. want to start everything from scratch for some reason - and everything is alright with my life now. eehrm.
i'm very pissed off about all the music i usually like. now i'm only listening to some hip-hop.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:29 am
by DNA Concept_Archive
madmanmunt wrote:It's Montreal, man. You'll end up bumping in to her soon enough. Her best friend/brother/neighbour probably knows one your circle.

Hell, her best friend/brother/neighbour might even know me...

chet wrote:I'm sure you'll run into her again. I always run into people when I'm out and about daily. It's almost impossible not to. Don't get discouraged! This has happened to me before in this city, and I usually see them again.

Precisely. Faced with such a situation one relies on the village-style mesh of incessant chismes that is so efficient at word-of-mouth as to make phones almost unnecessary. All I have to do is make a couple of discreet inquiries and post up in Social Club until she comes by. Unless she's an Olimpico type, or goes to some lesser cafe like Navarino or Cagibi or le Dépanneur, or (god forbid) has been drawn in by one of the newfangled spots along Fairmount like Caffé in Gamba or Tredice. In which case she's a lost cause anyway.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:35 pm
by Barbo_Archive
In preparation for my trips to New York and Chicago in the next two weeks I bought my first scarf today.


Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:50 pm
by honeyisfunny_Archive
Earlier today I had to make my once fortnightly trip to the Job Centre to sign on for which I receive no money but, because of my currently bizarre self-employed situation, I receive a top up to my rent due to my fluctuating earnings. I digress...
For the last 2 times I have done this, the weather has been fine when I left the house and then, 5 minutes into my 20 minute walk the heavens opened. So I got soaked for the 2nd time running.

My housemate (gjhardwick) came downstairs upon my return and announded there was a 'funny smell' in the house. He has little sense of smell so this must have been bad. Indeed, a few minutes before this I caught a whiff of something foul myself and went as far as to sniff at my own feet thinking maybe the rain had set off some foul stench in my shoes but they smelled OK.

The smell remained. In fact, it got worse.

It was upon going to move my shoes to put them back on again that I noticed the fucking enormous wad of dark brown dogshit that was all over one of them. And all over the front room floor and in fact everywhere I had strolled upon my return.

We have mopped the floors, scrubbed at shoe treads and found out I am allergic to Febreeze but the smell keeps coming back, in very subtle doses.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:53 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
Oh man, stepped in dog shit....the worst
I once purposely stepped in dog shit, really got it all bunched up in there and went to a meeting with this asshole and his lawyers who was trying to sue me because he ran a red light and hit me.

Needless to say the meeting didn't last long.

Little details from your day

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:26 pm
by Mandroid20_Archive
I was just nearly hit by a car.

It was closing in on 9, and the last load-in for laundry is at 10:30 at the laundramat across the street, so I decided to head over. It's basically one parking lot and an intersection from the house and the rain had finally let up.

So, I'm at the intersection and stop lights, deciding if I should just go on the "don't walk" signal because there's no traffic. Nah, I decide. I'll be safe and with my luck, some dumbass will come speeding around the corner and hit me.

I wait about 15 seconds and the light changes. I wait a few seconds to cross, as I don't want to be hit by someone running a red light or something dumb, because it's California and most drivers here need to be shot for their lack of skill.

So, I'm on the right side of the street, crossing with a giant hamper or laundry. I'm a LARGE MOVING OBJECT and also UNDER A STREET LIGHT. I see this guy moving up to make a left turn and just assume he's waiting for me to move past, pulling up to go. Then I notice:

A) He's Asian
B) He's obviously not looking anywhere near forward or at me
C) He's speeding up rapidly

As it's wet out and I'm carrying a laundry basket, I can't really high tail it out of his way, so I instinctively run a few steps and slide on my left side, pulling my legs forward so he can't run those over. I also instinctively flip him off as I land and would have probably gone off on a rant about why it's idiots like him that make people like me hate Asian drivers, but his window wasn't open. He did actually stop for a minute and make sure I wasn't injured and eventually opened his window and yelled out, "you aw light?" as I was already walking to the corner to get out of the intersection, but still. Fucking asshole Asian drivers.

I'm glad that the road was wet and I was able to remember how to fall and slide properly from figure skating, otherwise I'd be in the hospital right now, or under the tires of a car.