Little details from your day

simmo wrote:
dontfeartheringo wrote:
simmo wrote:
dontfeartheringo wrote:Friends Colm O'Reilly (a brilliant FOH engineer- Christy Moore, John Prine, Kristen Hirsch, Throwing Muses, more....) and rapper Elite tha Showstoppa help install the control room glass.

I would like to have a friend called "Elite tha Showstoppa".

Studio's looking good, Mr Ringo!

funny thing, that.

I bailed Elite out of jail last night.

Love that guy. He needs to not drive with no license, though.

Studio continues apace. More photos soon.

I'm sorry Patrick, you know I think you're a swell guy, but I can't help but envisage you and Elite Tha Showstoppa's relationship as like that of Larry David and Krazee Eyes Killah.

"Uh, hello, yeah, I'm here to bail out my friend Elite Tha Showstoppa.... no, no, I think it's "S T O P P A"... really? Try "D A", not "T H A"... no, I'm not sure if it's his real name...."

Oddly, in Georgia, one is allowed to bring one's cell phone into the holding cell. We were doing a play by play last night.

"I'm pulling up at the station house. Tell them I'm coming in the front door...."

It wasn't too bad, actually. Moving violation. I'm out less than $200 until he gets paid and it wasn't a deal with the bondsman situation where I have to worry about him not showing up for court and me losing my house.

And now I have him and his brothers as backup in a pinch. They're all 6'4" plus and pushing 275 - 300 lbs.

Lovely guys, all, but surely the last people you want pulling you out of your limo.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day

Pure L wrote:Had a few drinks before bed last night (actually hit the cabbage after a long time without, too) and the wife kept nudging me saying "you're snoring".

And, no shit, my head was playing this script over and over:

Code: Select all

snore = 1
function stopSnore
       snore = 0

Every time I closed my eyes.

The mind is a strange machine.

I just LOLd.

Last night went to my first Bikram yoga class and sweated the fuck out. I feel great today.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?

Little details from your day

enframed wrote:
Sock OR Muffin? wrote:Last night went to my first Bikram yoga class and sweated the fuck out. I feel great today.

make sure you bring a lot of water and drink it. people pass out during bikram classes.
I've been going 3X a week for two years and have never ever seen anyone pass out.

People leave the room form time to time (maybe one every 30 classes or so), but not very often.

Little details from your day

Mandroid2.0 wrote:
enframed wrote:
timpickens wrote:I didn't want to start a whole new post on this:

The guy I've known at the Shell station across from where I live looked me square in the eye and asked if there's any way that he can get his friend (most likely relative) in to the college I go to, aka in the States. I like him a lot, he's a friendly guy, hardly knows English, but I've grown to like him a lot. Anyhow I told him I'd look into it... the only thing is I don't know where to start... he doesn't speak much English... But I'd really really really like to help him.

Has anyone here had any experience with this type of thing?

tell him to have his friend enroll in college wherever he is and study abroad. there's nothing you can do about this.

This is probably the best bet, though he should definitely contact admission offices at your school for more information. I'm also not certain that one can do this their first or second year of college or university, so he or she may have to endure a year or two at the school in his or her native country before doing the Study Abroad thing.

it is increasingly difficult to get an education visa (F4?) into the usa. you usually have to be enrolled already (in your home country) because they (US gov't) want someone here who has already demonstrated that he is a good student.

it's not impossible otherwise, but a LOT more difficult. it also helps if the friend in question has a shitload of money and declares that during the application process.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Little details from your day

This person, who is a SENIOR HISTORY MAJOR at my school just handed me a copy of the paper they are submitting as a writing sample for grad school applications.

I am no grammar nazi, and my papers are never perfect, but this abortion of a sentence made me want to cry. And not in a good way.

"Due to the increasing popularity of tea in England, the British needed a way to supply their desire and since the Chinese only dealt their currency in gold, and gold was a precious and high commodity to the British."

There are plenty more sentences like that throughout his paper.

How did they even get admitted to a university???

Even better, the person told me they got an A on this paper.

How can I tell this person that their paper is one of the worst I have ever read without being a complete dick about it?? Maybe I should consult the C/NC on correcting people's grammar, but this is a whole freaking "scholarly" paper!

Little details from your day

tommydski wrote:This must be why everyone in my village is dressed up at the moment.

We just had Hogmanay, is there really another pretend holiday already?


It's not a holiday, but it is a perfect reason to eat shitloads of haggis and drink lots of whisky.

How many reasons do you need?
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

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