son of rank: the kenny
Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:23 pm
toomanyhelicopters wrote:kenny - snowboarding, wakeboarding, skiing, skateboarding, skydiving, scuba diving, snorkelling, window-washing on a high-rise, and playing golf.
kerble wrote:Kenny: Documentary proposal: "Donkey staring in the mirror."
kerble wrote:toomanyhelicopters wrote:kenny - snowboarding, wakeboarding, skiing, skateboarding, skydiving, scuba diving, snorkelling, window-washing on a high-rise, and playing golf.
JB: snowmen, attending a wake, skinny dipping, rollerskating, muff diving, snuba, the snorks, "I don't do windows," walking.
JW: avalanche!, boogieboarding, skinned alive, rollerblading, parachute fails to deploy, the Eagles' "Peaceful Easy Feeling", shark attack!, the CNA building deploys a pane of glass and cuts you in two, tumors.
Kenny: Documentary proposal: "Donkey staring in the mirror."
LAD wrote:Kenny Cracked Corn:
When your grandmother coughs/sneezes at the dinner table and her food/drink from her mouth sprays your hands, face, and meal.
Carry Me Away wrote:
Kenny- Popping the enormous blood and pus filled pimple located on an area known as "the taint" that recieves maximum friction against pants and any other undergarment when performing any leg motion and being unknownigly viewed by your obese 47 year old homosexual boss whilst utilizing your low-paying customer service job's public bathroom mirror to most effectively pinch the pimple in question as effectively as possible so that it may reach critical mass and alleviate pain through rupture.
Mr. Chimp wrote:Please render unto Kenny:
Mojo magazine's enclosed CD compilation, "[Red Hot] Chili Pepper's Jukebox" featuring 15 tracks selected by the band, including Gang of Four, Circle Jerks, Ohio Players, Sly/Fam. Stone, Adolescents, The Weirdos, Jameses Chance and Brown, Blonde Redhead, Slits, Descendents, Wipers, Harmonia, Zappa and Funkadelic.
Mr. Chimp wrote:Please render unto Kenny:
Mojo magazine's enclosed CD compilation, "[Red Hot] Chili Pepper's Jukebox" featuring 15 tracks selected by the band, including Gang of Four, Circle Jerks, Ohio Players, Sly/Fam. Stone, Adolescents, The Weirdos, Jameses Chance and Brown, Blonde Redhead, Slits, Descendents, Wipers, Harmonia, Zappa and Funkadelic.