Mojo magazine's enclosed CD compilation, "[Red Hot] Chili Pepper's Jukebox" featuring 15 tracks selected by the band, including Gang of Four, Circle Jerks, Ohio Players, Sly/Fam. Stone, Adolescents, The Weirdos, Jameses Chance and Brown, Blonde Redhead, Slits, Descendents, Wipers, Harmonia, Zappa and Funkadelic.
jb: a mix tape containing the same songs, made for you in high school by that girl who sat in the back of math class scratching her crotch and spitting on the floor.
jw: your Mojo compilation contains an Anthony Kiedis autograph that reads, "To _____: You Rock!"
K to the Enny: You are in a long-term relationship, but your girlfriend is out of town. In a night of wild, unforseen circumstance, you are seduced by two beautiful yet devilish bicurious women, who get you shit wasted and convince you to bring them home with you. After two hours of intense drunken sexual acrobatics, the two women fall asleep in your arms, but happen to be lying directly on your left and right brachial arteries, respectively. You are awakened in the morning by the phone ringing next to your bed. A glance at the caller ID reveals that it is your girlfriend, and you leap out of bed to take the call only to realize that both of your arms are temporarily paralyzed from insufficient blood flow over the course of the night. "I wonder who that is" says one of the hot bicurious women sleepily as she moves to pick up the phone receiver, and you can only stare dumbly, your useless arms hanging apelike by your sides.