Let us see your pet.

Wow, I love them German Shepherds. Amazing dogs. My room mate had a dog that we would take across the street to Lake Mendota, Zeb. We would throw a stick in the water when he wasn't looking, at night, dark as fuck. Probably within 30 minutes Zeb would drop that stick at our feet. My buddy ended up not being able to take care of Zeb and Zeb actually ended up working 9/11 recovery efforts. I hear he is retired.

Let us see your pet.

lemur68 wrote:
burun wrote:Maybe he thinks you're giving him vile Diet Pepsi to drink.


Well... to be fair, that shit was for my lady who couldn't handle any excess caffeine due to hyperthyroidism and the increased likelihood of unpleasant palpitations, etc.

But yeah - even then, I often wondered:

"Then why drink soda at all? Minus the sugar and the caffeine and what've you got? Brown water?"

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