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Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:36 am
by crevecoeur_Archive
itchy mcgoo wrote:Crevecoeur,
Mon coeur est avec vous et votre grand-pere.
everyone, a deep thank you for your kind words,
i had some "good" news.
The scanner he did, shown it was not a cerebral accident, but
he still have some blood in his brain that comes from the trauma when
he felt and hit the ground...
they are keeping him a few days more to see how it evolves.
he also have recovered his senses which is great, it was really depressing to see him talk shit, like he spent a day talking about how much he likes mixing farina........

Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:41 am
by Rotten Tanx_Archive
I bought Pale Fire last week thanks to you lot raving about it.
I also bought Pnin and Mary. I've started with Mary.
Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:19 am
by Cranius_Archive
crevecoeur wrote:itchy mcgoo wrote:Crevecoeur,
Mon coeur est avec vous et votre grand-pere.
everyone, a deep thank you for your kind words,
i had some "good" news.
The scanner he did, shown it was not a cerebral accident, but
he still have some blood in his brain that comes from the trauma when
he felt and hit the ground...
they are keeping him a few days more to see how it evolves.
he also have recovered his senses which is great, it was really depressing to see him talk shit, like he spent a day talking about how much he likes mixing farina........

My father had an aneurysm a number of years ago, and he spent two days talking nonsense. Luckily I wasn't around to see it, it was very hard for him, as he understood perfectly what he was saying, but no one else could make sense of it. They gave him aspirin to thin his blood, to prevent clotting and he was right as rain the couple of days later.
The only lasting effect was that he has confused left with right ever since, and has to make a conscious correction in order to get it right. It's awful when I'm driving.
Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:09 am
by simmo_Archive
I. fucking. hate. banks.
Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:19 am
by daniel robert chapman_Archive
Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:31 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive
Shitey balls. Have they refused to refund the money you've had removed from your account?
Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:33 am
by Josef K_Archive
sparky wrote:Dudley, you've sketched a beautiful scene there. It strikes me as a quintessential example of early twentieth century English awkwardness and social horror. A lift in the British Library is a perfect setting.
...Of course, you were lucky to get out of that lift alive.
No, what Dudley described is a fucking arrogant arsehole lacking in any social skills. At least his colleague was embarrassed for him.
Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:39 am
by simmo_Archive
I am trying to play the word "slintise", as in to render more slint-esque, in a game of scrabble against DRC. For some reason it's claiming it's not in the dictionary.
Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:42 am
by Dudley_Archive
simmo wrote:I am trying to play the word "slintise", as in to render more slint-esque, in a game of scrabble against DRC. For some reason it's claiming it's not in the dictionary.
For what it's worth, I was always taught that the verb is "slintify"
Little details from your day
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:43 am
by Josef K_Archive
Slintize - American english?